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“哦,你知道的,”他不满的摆了摆手。Oh, you know, " he waved a dismissive hand."

他做了一个很不屑的手势。“随你便。”He made a dismissive gesture. 'Suit yourself. '

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艾亚尔对这些看法有些不以为然。Aiyar is a bit dismissive of some of these attitudes.

其他人说这项新分析是无法辩护地不值一提的东西。Others said the new analysis was unjustifiably dismissive.

奥巴马对此嗤之以鼻,他本应该义愤填膺。Mr. Obama was dismissive when he should have been outraged.

没错,我去是为了表示同情,但他却不屑一顾。I only went down there to commiserate, and he was very dismissive.

这里,克鲁格曼很典型的轻视了其他的各种意见。Here, Krugman is characteristically dismissive of alternative views.

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而我对这个说法却是完全嗤之以鼻的。Now,as it happens,this is one I'm going to be completely dismissive of.

当然我也不认为他会完全否定弗洛伊德评论派。Now I don't think he really means to be dismissive of Freudian criticism.

你不必对中国的政府如此轻率和不屑一顾。You don't need to be so flippant and dismissive of the Chinese government.

我母亲,美丽迷人,重视身体,轻视思想。My mother, beautiful, beguiling, passionate about bodies, dismissive of minds.

⊙、当爱情轻敲肩膀时,连平日对诗情画意都不屑一顾的男人,都会变成诗人。When love tap shoulder, even dismissive of poetic daily man, will become a poet.

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然而,对总统苛刻,甚至是蔑视,向来就有。As ever, though, it is fashionable to be critical of the president, even dismissive.

委托书对于很多投资者关注的问题也采取了不以为然的态度。The proxy also takes a dismissive tone toward issues that many investors care about.

你能用反感的,疑惑的或轻蔑的语气把它说出来,但你就是不能喊出来。You might say it with disgust, disbelief or a dismissive tone, but you don’t scream it.

阿左利表示,“whatever”这样的词可以表达非常不屑一顾的语气,取决于使用的语境。Azzoli said words like "whatever" can be quite dismissive depending on how they are used.

当得知白人女子对各人种男性求婚者的鄙视程度时,鲁德尔也感到不可思议。Another surprise was to learn how dismissive white women can be of male suitors of all races.

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我不会对中国的海下组成力量和导弹不屑一顾。那将是一个巨大的错误。I wouldn't be so dismissive of China's undersea component and missiles. That could be a big mistake.

他认财政部长时,假如IMF胆敢对英国经济吹毛求疵,他对此还会不屑一顾。As chancellor of the exchequer, if the IMF dared criticise the British economy he used to be dismissive.

艾哈迈迪内贾德对操纵选票的指控仍然保持否认的态度。Ahmadinejad remained dismissive of the allegations of vote-rigging as he urged Iranians to stand together.