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我会注意这个警告。I'd heed this warning.

她自己应该注意的好建议。Good advice she should heed.

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就这样留心你的“直觉”吧。HEED your "instincts" thusly.

他突然掉转马头返回到大门。Heed his horse back to the gate.

您应该很好地注意这一教训。You should heed this lesson well.

罗莉,御姐,女王,听我号令!Loli Sister and Queen heed my call!

而杰姬留意着杰米的表情。And Jackie heed to jamie expression.

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马吕斯毫不注意这些征兆。Marius paid no heed to these symptoms.

你要聪明点留意那女巫的警告。You would be wise to heed Sybil's warning.

但是我们在这次险境中并没有注意到这个教训。And we fail to heed that lesson at our peril.

关注了饥饿感却忽视了罪恶感。Heed your hunger pangs, but forget the guilt.

她为什么要杀顾嫣然?Why does she want to kill to heed to sweetly?

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他留意到因纽特人的观察结果。He pays heed to the observations of the Inuit.

白鸽很重要,亲爱的,要留意它。The bird is important, my dears , so heed him.

自己以为站得稳的,须要谨慎,免得跌倒。Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.

北京若能将这些经验引以为鉴,可望安然度过。Beijing would do well to heed these tales of caution.

月亮听闻了你的名字,你却没有理睬我。The moon heard thy name, yet hadst thou no heed of me.

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那么,我们如何知道何时需要防止引起反感而何时则不必担心?So how will we know when to heed repugnance and when not?

国会民主党人也需要以罗斯福为榜样。Congressional Democrats should heed the FDR model as well.

这是个很严肃的话题,所以注意给你的这个建议。This is serious business, so pay heed to the advice given.