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这是一种生理疾病。This is a physiological condition.

尿床可能有多种生理原因。Enuresis can have a number of physiological causes.

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谈恋爱,对于一个人来说,是正常的生理需要。Love, for a people, is a normal physiological needs.

简述了戊二醛生理性质。Physiological property of glutaraldehyde was briefed.

睡眠是经常被我们忽略的一项生理需求。One physiological need that we often neglect is sleep.

本法较简便,能在生理环境下测定,样品用量亦少。It can be used in the desired physiological conditions.

瞳孔散大、各种生理反射消失。Mydriasis and various physiological reflex is disappeared.

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雄激素控制着广泛的生理学功能。Androgens control a broad range of physiological functions.

在逊克、北安等地发现新的生理小种。In Xunke, Bei'an, such as to find a new physiological race.

它改善你身体和心理的健康状态。It improves your physiological and psychological well being.

本试验还对该药对长爪沙鼠的生理作用作了测试。The physiological function of the sterilant was also tested.

苯巴比妥诱导的睡眠与生理睡眠不同。Phenobarbital-induced sleep differs from physiological sleep.

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菠萝黑心病是一种生理失调症。Post-harvest pineapple blackheart is a physiological disorder.

生理行动与那是相似于氢化可体松。The physiological action is similar to that of hydrocortisone.

目的探讨针灸“得气”的生理基础。Objective To study physiological foundation of acupuncture Deqi.

当然,我们也要了解目光接触的生理学方面的问题。Then of course we have the physiological aspects to eye contact.

苹果小叶病是由树体缺锌导致的一种生理病害。Apple little leaf is a physiological disease due to lack of zinc.

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研究表明,乳铁蛋白具有多种生物学功能。It is reported that lactoferrin has many physiological functions.

近视在生理上表现为屈光不正。The physiological manifestation of myopia is error of refraction.

我们换个角度来分析一下人的生理结构。We trade an angle to analyze a servant's physiological structure.