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楞场堆满了木材,一点多余的空间都没有了。The relay place is stacked with lumber, sparing no room.

灰质和皮质下U形纤维尚正常。There is sparing of gray matter and subcortical U-fibers.

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常感谢您能在百忙之中抽出时间来面试我。I appreciate you for sparing precious time to interview me.

第4章是税收饶让抵免法律制度研究。Chapter 4 is a study on international tax sparing credit legal system.

国家媒体守本分的简短记录了这场灾难。The state media recorded the calamity in dutiful but sparing dispatches.

我想感谢大家抽时间来参加今天的晚会!I'd lide to thank you all for sparing the time for today's evening party!

目前正全力投入磷酸铁锂电池的产业化。Sparing no effort to realize the industrialization of LFP battery at present.

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我和希刺克厉夫家属的来往就像他和我家的来往一样全省掉吧。My communication with Heathcliff's family shall be as sparing as his with mine.

而成都无论在热情、努力还是不惜成本的投入方面,都树立了新的标杆。In terms of enthusiasm, effort, and sparing no expense, Chengdu set a new gold standard.

十多年来,中国石油物资公司一直不遗余力来满足石油工业的需要。For over 10 years, CPMC has been sparing no effort to meet the needs of the oil industry.

其结果是,当我成年后离开这座城市时,不屑回头多看它一眼。As a consequence, when I came of age I left the city without sparing it a backward glance.

在这样的生态系统中大火毁坏的只是地表植物并不会影响到植物的根部。In such ecosystems, fire usually destroys the above-ground plants while sparing the roots.

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他们将杀虫剂喷入沙鼠的洞穴,只杀死跳蚤。They fumigated infected burrows with insecticide, killing the fleas but sparing the gerbils.

尽管她已成为名人,却仍然过着拮据寒碜的生活。Although she has become a celebrity, she still maintains an extremely frugal and sparing life.

电视胸腔镜与保留胸肌切口肺叶切除术相比优势何在?。What is the advantage of a thoracoscopic lobectomy over a muscle sparing thoracotomy procedure?

我知道在我离开之后,将有凶暴的豺狼进到你们中间,不顾惜羊群。I know that, after my departure, ravening wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

这种习惯已经入侵到了我们生活的每一个角落,影响到每一个人,给我们带来重大的损失。The habit has invaded every nook and cranny of our lives, sparing no-one, and costing us dearly.

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我敢打赌那些有着“老土”名字的孩子都将因为不会受到大家休息时的作弄而感谢他们的父母。I bet those kids with “boring” names are thanking their parents for sparing them torment at recess.

美国总统布什赦免了利比的2年半徒刑,从而使利比不需要到监狱服刑。President Bush commuted Libby's two-and-a-half year prison sentence, sparing him from serving time.

尽管有人可能会认为一个人不用那么全力以赴也能完成一件工作,但这是不正确的。Although one might think that one can complete a job without sparing any effort, this is never true.