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她睡着还没醒了。She hasn't woken up yet.

我被一阵响亮的吵闹声弄醒了。I was woken by a loud noise.

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她刚从熟睡中醒来。She had just woken from a deep sleep.

她刚从熟睡中醒来。She has just woken from a deep sleep.

烦死了,我可被那滑稽的鸡叫声吵醒了。I was woken up by that humorous cockcrow.

爱是每天被一个吻和一杯咖啡唤醒。Love is being woken with a kiss and a cup.

到了7点半,巴士教父菲尔把我们叫醒了。At 7.30am, we are woken by Phil the bus god.

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明天早上想请您叫我起广床。Yes, I'd like to be woken up tomorrow morning.

那天早晨,我们一醒来就看见了一只死乌鸦。That morning, we’d woken to a single dead crow.

早晨被鞭炮声吵醒。Was woken up by firecrackers early in the morning.

一天夜里,约瑟夫的母亲被儿子弄醒了。One night, Joseph's mother was woken up by her son.

但是马乔丽被铅锤的声响惊醒。Marjorie was, however, woken by the sound of plumbing.

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现在,中国这头睡狮已经猛醒,正在令世人赞叹的方式飞速发展。China has woken up and is developing at an amazing speed.

他用不耐烦的声音埋怨别人吵醒了他。He complained in a querulous voice about having been woken up.

所以,他总是处在半醉半醒的状态。Keats was always living in a half-drunk and half- woken state.

这年月,谁还没有从谋杀一位天使的梦魇中醒来?Who, these days, hasn't woken from a dream of murdering an angel?

有没有朋友说说看,你睡到笑醒是什么原因?Have no friends talk about, you sleep until woken up laughing Why?

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而我刚才醒来的时候房顶、墙壁和那个陌生人都是模糊的!When I had woken up the ceiling, walls, the stranger was all blurry!

Neo从一个可怕的梦中醒来,那个梦曾一度就是他的生活。Neo has woken up from a hell of a dream — the dream that was his life.

所以,他总是处在半醉半醒的状态。Therefore Keats was always living in a half-drunk and half- woken state.