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你能听见吗,奈德?Do you hear her, Ned?

这就是内德·斯塔克规则。This is the Ned Stark Rule.

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耐德和楼兰奏跑得很快。Ned and Lorenzo ran very fast.

内德点头表示同意。Ned nodded his head in agreement.

能不能请奈德。莫斯比听电话?Can I speak to Ned Mosby, please ?

我可以跟奈德·莫斯比通话吗?Could I speak to Ned Mosby, please?

内德一定是找到了个派出所,她想道。Ned must have found a police officer.

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不,那糟透了,奈德到底发生了什么事?No, no, it's not. What happened, Ned?

隔壁住的是奈德和爱丽丝.威廉姆斯一家。Next door were Ned and Alice Williams.

萨姆站在原地,被一下打昏了。Sam stood his ground and got a blow that stun ned him.

奈德讲电话时突然爆出一阵喀喀的笑声。Ned burst into a fit of giggles while he was on the phone.

大些的男孩子都跳进河里了,但小内德畏缩不前。The big boys jumped into the river but little Ned hung back.

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大些的男孩都跳下河了,但小内德畏缩不前。The big boys jumped into the river, but little Ned hung back.

奈德告诉我说,他已经转学去另外一所学校了。According to what Ned told me, he had transferred to another school.

内德脸色苍白,摇摇晃晃地转去查看苏珊是否安然无恙。Pale and shaking, Ned quickly turned to check if Susan was all right.

她发现内德一个人在复印室里复印一些文章。She found Ned alone in the photocopy room, duplicating some articles.

苏珊和内德的车正行至一段树木繁茂的公路段。Susan and Ned were driving through a wooded empty section of highway.

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本课程主要为对核子工程学系的所有学生讲授基础知识。This subject deals with foundational knowledge for all students in NED.

她觉得自己和内德都从这一经历中学到了很多东西。She figured that both she and Ned had learned a lot from the experience.

内德尸体的脚倒挂在车旁边的树上。Hanging by his feet from the tree next to the car was the dead body of Ned.