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他们是来查封的。They had come to repossess their goods.

银行怎麽会愿意收回一条收费公路?What bank would like to repossess a toll road?

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我已经被核可重新拥有这笔财产。I've been authorized to repossess this property.

法庭认可重新拥有这笔财产。I've been authorised by the court to repossess this property.

我得到法庭认可重新拥有这笔财产。I've been authorised by the court to repossess this property.

现在就干他们!也许他们不会来上我们!Start sucking up to them now! Maybe they wont come repossess us!

你还不如出去收回别人的汽车或为一家收回机构工作。You might as well go out and repossess cars or work for a collection agency.

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我没有攻击任何人的意图,我只是想拥有这个词,这个我从小在纽约听到的词。I want to repossess the word, and this is a word I heard growing up in New York.

另外,如果你不偿还你的房贷,贷款人可以收回你的财产。Also, if you fail to pay back your mortgage, the lender can repossess your property.

这意味着,如果你的汽车贷款可以收回您的汽车贷款拖欠。This means that the lender can repossess your automobile if you default on the car loan.

毕竟,如果他们托欠了贷款,银行就会以更高的价格收回房子。After all, if they defaulted on their loans, the banks would repossess the house at a higher value.

黑山说,他要求银行收回房子,因为他不相信他的家人可以克服其财务的麻烦。Montenegro says he asked the bank to repossess the houses, because he does not believe his family can overcome its financial troubles.

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这是从小我在纽约长大常听到一个字,那时候的确是带有贬损的负面涵义,但我希望自己可以让它转意为一个很酷的字。I want to repossess the word, and this is a word I heard growing up in New York. It was derogatory at the time. And you know, I hope I can make it cool.

别人告诉你,你修这房子得花上多少钱,但没人会和你说,你还得付出些什么才能防止大自然再次占有你的房屋,它的速度可比银行快多了。Back when they told you what your house would cost, nobody mentioned what you'd also be paying so that nature wouldn't repossess it long before the bank.

因为,虽然你也许发现自己身处麻烦经济的活力交叉点上,但谁也不能拿走你的体验,不能没收你的记忆。Because, while you may find yourself caught in the crossfire of an embattled economy, no one can evict you from your experiences or repossess your memories.

然而,天有不测风云,去年尽管弗里曼夫妇仅仅拖欠了3个月的贷款,银行就试图收回他们住的房子。Yet somehow things don't feel so good any more. Last year the bank tried to repossess the Freemans' home even though they were only three months in arrears.

然而,天有不测风云,去年尽管弗里曼夫妇仅仅拖欠了3个月的贷款,银行就试图收回他们住的房子。Yet somehow things don’t feel so good any more. Last year the bank tried to repossess the Freemans’ home even though they were only three months in arrears.