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菲尔丁不知羞耻地施展小巫术。Fielding was not ashamed to practise a little necromancy.

菲尔丁对这种一见如故的样子并不觉得奇怪。Fielding was not surprised at the rapidity of their intimacy.

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管理一个实验室就像给周末足球队挑选队员。Running a lab is something like fielding a weekend soccer team.

在这同一年,获委任为裁判官菲尔丁的米德尔塞克斯。In this same year, Fielding was appointed magistrate for Middlesex.

木箱内装有水手艾伦。菲尔丁的私人财物。The chest contained the personal belongings of a seaman, Alan Fielding.

菲尔丁看到大一新生们穿过洒满阳光的、绿油油的草坪,他又哽咽了。Freshers crossed the still sunny, green lawns and poor Fielding choked up again.

你好,我叫马蒂·菲尔丁,我猜想你可能会说我是“百万分之一”。Hi, my name is Marty Fielding and I guess you could say I am "one in a million".

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上周,菲尔丁和他女儿出去,去去参观她女儿古老的大学。Last week, Fielding went off with his daughter to look around her old university.

中国代表团这次派出的队伍平均年龄只有23.3岁,是历来队伍中最年轻的一支。With an average age of 23.3, China is fielding its youngest team in the Olympics.

派遣无资格的球员上场比赛,其后果可见下文第3点The consequences of fielding an ineligible player are described underpoint 3 below.

捕手和外野手补在内野手后面。Reserves and outfielders fill in behind the infielders, three at each fielding position.

他一边暗自庆幸这件讨厌的差事快完了,一边继续回答问题。Disliking this chore and relieved that it would end soon, he continued fielding questions.

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火箭人总结他的练习,11次的内野练习,花了大概四分钟。Clemens concluded his workout with 11 fielding drills that took approximately four minutes.

弗格森对维尔贝克很有信心,他让这个20岁的球员在安菲尔德首发。Ferguson believes in Welbeck, even fielding the 20 year-old on his own up front at Anfield.

这项工作是一个讽刺和意大利歌剧是编剧亨利菲尔丁大脑孩子。The work was a satire of Italian opera and was the brain child of librettist Henry Fielding.

如果你提出钱作为神,它将像酷刑,像魔鬼你-----英国的的领域阅读全文»。If you put money as God, it would be like torture, like the devil you ----- British fielding.

要是我只把爱作为爱的目的,那一定是魔鬼缠身了。---H.菲尔丁。The devil take me , if I think anything but love to be the object of love. ---Henry fielding.

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他们还包含技术升级和整合、原型、测试、部署和培训。They also cover technology upgrade and integration, prototyping, testing, fielding and training.

在执教罗马队的时候他使用三前锋的阵型,因为他手下有出色的锋线球员。At Roma he had no compunction over fielding a three-man attack because he had excellent forwards.

只希望费丁和斯托克达尔继续努力,以证明自己与哈特的水平不相伯仲。Hopefully Fielding and Stockdale will go on to prove that they belong in the same company as Hart.