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名声很宁静永远不能是同床者。Fame and tranquility can never be bedfellows.

爱、幸福与宁静都是有感染力的。Love, happiness and tranquility are all contagious.

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有时候,哭声被听到,宁静降临世界。Sometimes, the cries were heard and tranquility reigned.

地球上的听众听到静海谷底倒计时的声音。Listeners on Earth heard the countdown from Tranquility Base.

尖厉的惊叫声打破了夜晚的宁静。A sharp cry of surprise disturbed the tranquility of the night.

全曲在和平憩静的气氛中结束。The whole piece ends with an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

充满韵律和节奏感的海浪声给予我无限自由和平静的感觉。The rhythm of waves gave me such a sense of freedom and tranquility.

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私心对社会国家平静、祥和的危害是很严重的。Selfishness does severe harm to the peace and tranquility of a country.

让自己置身在绿色和蓝色之中可以带来内心的宁静。Surround yourself with greens and blues to create a sense of tranquility.

曲木子的作品轮廓分明,表现出紧张与宁静的双重性。The artist's work is edgy and offers a duality of tranquility and tension.

灌输安宁与过度温泉水区域的启发治疗。Instil tranquility with regionally inspired treatments in an over-water spa.

是啊,我的女儿。但这样的景像只能存在于魔幼岛。Yes, my daughter. But such tranquility only exists here on Enchanted Island.

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我十分喜欢于雪中漫步于这静谧的大街上,更有这鹅卵石铺成的路面。I really enjoyed the tranquility in the snow time, walking in a cobbled street.

闹中取静的凉亭颇有几分雅致。An elegant summerhouse where you can find tranquility in a hustling surrounding.

她推测,他是想像耍弄她们那样耍弄她。He wanted, she supposes, to cheat her of her tranquility as he had cheated them.

守静。不受杂事或普通社交应酬干扰。Tranquility. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.

每天抽出一点时间,让自己澄心静虑,使心灵宁静。Take a little time every day to quieten your heart giving your heart tranquility.

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平和——不要被琐事或者那些普遍的或难以避免的事故所困扰。Tranquility – Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.

同时也欢乐吧,不寻求外在的帮助也不要别人给的安宁。Be cheerful also, and seek not external help nor the tranquility which others give.

非宁静无以致远,优雅纯净的蓝带出静溢气息。Only tranquility can go far, so elegant and pure blue sets off the tranquil flavor.