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这是一种不治之症。There is no cure.

我是来治病的。I am here to cure.

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如何治失眠?How to cure insomnia?

如何治散光?How do cure astigmatism?

麦粒肿有没有方法根治?Sty there a way to cure?

另一帖良方是宗教。Another cure is religion.

仙水仙水,治好这疣子。Good for? Cure warts with.

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音乐对亚健康有治疗作用。Music can cure sub-health.

治愈的方法是以毒攻毒。The cure is in the poison.

挽救之道在于教育。The cure lies in education.

酒槽鼻能治好的吗?Can wine chamfer bazoo cure?

金鸡纳霜是治疗风寒的药方。Quinine is a cure for colds.

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病毒性疱疹的治疗?。The cure of virus sex bleb ?

鸡汤能治感冒?Can chicken soup cure a cold?

垂体瘤的治疗?The cure of hypophysis tumour?

怎样有效的治疗鼻塞?How effective cure n&v snuffle?

相思病无药医。No herb will cure lovesickness.

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要想痊愈就听其自然吧。Leave the cure to Mother Nature.

我的芳华痘是没治了。There is no cure for my pimples.

阿斯匹林是治疗感冒的好方法。Aspirin is a good cure for colds.