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他在卖茶。He is selling tea.

卖西瓜。Selling watermelons.

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销售是一个流程。Selling is a proccess.

对门食物销售的门。Door to door food selling.

卖什么品牌的?。What selling of the brand?

这些商品好卖吗?Are the goods selling well?

这也许会是一个卖点。It might be a selling point.

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我们无时不在推销。We are selling all the time.

你正在出售的正是你自己。What you are selling is you!

这是我们该如何出售它。This is how we are selling it.

我们已经是按成本价卖了。We’re selling at cost already.

你准备出卖灵魂了么?Are you selling them your soul?

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龟王买的很好。The Turtle King is selling well.

你说他在卖什么?What did you say he was selling?

甚至没有装饰的口罩销售也在增加。Even unadorned masks are selling.

指因销售商品所赚得之收入。Income earned from selling goods.

现多数是羊毛毡比较热销。Most sheep are felt more selling.

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他们商讨卖房一事。They discussed selling the house.

我们的问题不在于卖车。Our problem is not selling the car.

你真的要把旧车卖了吗?Are you really selling your old car?