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道林格雷的画像。The Picture of Dorian Gray.

隐藏我的真面目,就像多利安‧葛雷一样。Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.

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多里安·格雷皱一下眉把头转开了。Dorian Gray frowned and turned his head away.

“先生,那是道林·格雷先生的家,”警察回答说。"Mr. Dorian Gray's, sir, " answered the policeman.

青春期给善于思考的多里安带来的是痛苦。Adolescence is proving a pain for the always-thinking Dorian.

“也许主教是睡眠的道林-格雷,”我建议道。“Maybe the bishop is the Dorian Gray of sleep, ” I suggested.

多里安和他的队伍每年都参加龙舟节的竞赛。Dorian races with his team in the Dragon Boat Festival every year.

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当道连写完这封信后,他感觉自己已经被原谅了。When Dorian had finished the letter, he felt that he had been forgiven.

永远保持寻找新的感受,道林。别给自己设限。Be searching always for new sensations, Dorian. Forbid yourself nothing.

我手拿新的淘金锅,背着帆布包,跟着多利安走进丛林中。Clutching my new panning dish and rucksack, I followed Dorian into the bush.

特邀嘉宾的DJ韦恩G加入了居民若公众,马克安德鲁斯与多利安。Special guest DJ Wayne G joined the residents Jo-Public, Marc Andrews & Dorian.

道林·格雷倾心于这个白皙的姑娘,并且向她顶礼膜拜。Dorian Gray's soul had turned to this white girl and bowed in worship before her.

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保罗•多里安说,这种太阳现象甚至可能对宇航员构成危险。The solar phenomenon could even prove dangerous for astronauts, says Paul Dorian.

他几乎已经完成了一个非常英俊的年轻人叫格雷的画像。He had nearly finished a portrait of a very handsome young man called Dorian Gray.

同时,甲骨文公司从公司内部提拔了多里安•戴利接替库珀曼的职位。Meanwhile, Oracle promoted one of its own, Dorian Daley, to fill Cooperman's spot.

「道林格雷先生?他是什么人?」佛摩勋爵紧皱起浓密的白眉毛问。"mr. dorian gray? who is he?" asked lord fermor, knitting his bushy white eyebrows.

多利安答应带我去采金,而我为他帮工作回报,他正在盖一幢新的原木小屋。Dorian had offered to take me panning for gold in return for helping with work on his new log cabin.

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尽量理解我,多里安,你是我一生中唯一真正影响我的艺术的人。Try to understand me, Dorian. You've been the one person in my life who has really influenced my art.

道林·格雷正把脸埋在大而清凉的丁香花丛里,如醉如痴地摄入花儿的芬芳。Dorian Gray was burying his face in the great cool lilac-blossoms and feverishly drinking in their perfume.

道林格雷正把脸埋在大而清凉的丁香花丛里,如醉如痴地摄入花儿的芬芳。Dorian gray was burying his face in the great cool lilac-blossoms and feverishly drinking in their perfume.