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因为我们有被客体化的动物,我们能够不掺杂感情地对待它们。Because we have objectified animals , we are able to treat them impersonally.

随着金融和财税体制改革的深入,客观要求建立国库支持系统。With fashion's embed on finance and tax system, exchequer sustain is required impersonally.

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模型使用较少的主观参数,以实现对DRP精确、客观的评价。The model employs less subjective parameters to evaluate DRP more impersonally and accurately.

出庭作证的证人应当客观陈述其亲身感知的事实。A witness appearing in court to give evidence shall impersonally state the facts apperceived by himself.

为了客观评定纹理的变化,所产生之模拟影像以共生矩阵进行纹理分析。To impersonally evaluation, the co-occurrence matrix was applied to analysis the texture of simulated images.

此模型能准确、客观地反映业主对竞标企业的综合满意度。The model can reflect the general satisfaction degree of owners to contest enterprise precisely and impersonally.

爱职能客观根据法-法律的因果报应,格雷斯法,该法给予和宽恕。Love functions impersonally according to Law–to the Law of Karma, the Law of Grace, the Law of Giving and Forgiving.

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文章客观分析了我国图书馆事业目前的大致状况,对图书馆的立法进行了界定。This paper analyses impersonally the actual status of our library cause . defines primarily the library legislation.

如何客观、科学地进行交通需求预测,是当前我国城市交通规划中共同面临的课题。How to predict the traffic demand scientifically and impersonally is a topic we have to face together in the traffic plan.

既能客观反映现实政治生活,又能倡导政治生活的理想。More important, it can not only reflect realistic political life impersonally , but also spark plug an ideal of political life.

客观地评价台湾执行当事人适格制度,分析其利弊得失,将为祖国大陆地区执行当事人变更和追加制度的完善提供可资借鉴的资源。By evaluating and analyzing the system impersonally , we can find some valuable references to the innovation of the related system in our mainland.

初步建立了共振震害风险损失程度综合评估模型,对事故损失做出全面地、系统地、客观地评价。And the model is established preliminarily for comprehensive loss assessment on resonance risk to evaluate risk loss more impersonally and accurately.

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本文通过对龙门石窟1034窟的客观报告,探讨了洞窟的开凿简史,并对一些造像题材加以确认。The article reports impersonally the cave 1034 at Longmen Grottoes , discuss the brief history of the cave and affirm the subject matter of some statues.

经试验验证,该模型能够更加客观地描述客户行为的非确定性和随机性特征,具有良好的分类效果。By experimentation, this model could describe the indefinite and random character of customers' behavior impersonally and also has good segmentation effect.

经过本论文的分析和研究,客观上提供了宽带模式识别器的比较完整而详细的设计理论和参照。After analysis and research in this dissertation, the particular design theory and reference for the Broad band mode discriminator is presented impersonally.

综合评价的计算结果客观定量地反映了该院的实际情况,并且与用SAS软件计算的完全结果一致。The results impersonally show quantitative actuality of the hospital about the integrative evaluation, according with the outcome computed by the SAS software.

如何科学、客观地确定施工进度计划中各分部、分项工程的持续时间是施工进度计划具有合理性和可行性的保证。In that case, ensuring the construction term of the construction schedule reasonably and impersonally would be the guarantee of the whole construction procedure.

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但是如果我事不关己的谈论对我们城市可能造成的粉碎性攻击时,尽管它关乎数百万计的亡魂,我无法将我面对一个人痛苦的感情复制数百万倍。Then I talk impersonally about the possible pulverization of our big cities, with a hundred million dead. I am unable to multiply one man’s suffering by a hundred million.

学校作为社会场域微观结构的客观存在,具有与社会场域相对应的权力支配、运作与再造的意义建构。The school, existing impersonally as the microstructure of the social field, has its own authority domination, function and reconstitution corresponding to the social field.

动态观察治疗后的胸部X线变化,不仅能客观评价治疗效果,还可为早期诊断提供有价值的参考依据。To observe the dynamic X-ray changes after treatment could not only impersonally appraise the remedial effect, but could also provide the valuable reference for the diagnosis.