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不过,加州理工大学的一些大学生却愿意这样做。A bunch of Caltech undergrads, that's who.

从理论上讲,加州理工学院的RNA设备像普通计算机一样运转。The Caltech RNA device operates much like a normal computer, in theory.

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钱学森来到美国就读于麻省理工学院和加州理工学院研究航空工程学。Qian Xuesen came to the United States to study aeronautical engineering at MIT and Caltech.

道格拉斯•奥谢罗夫分别在加州理工学院和康奈尔大学完成本科和研究生的学业。Douglas Osheroff did his undergraduate work at Caltech and his graduate work at Cornell University.

加州理工学院的科学家们称他们已经确定了四十亿年前火星的温度。The Caltech scientists say they have directly established the temperature of Mars four billion years ago.

及其合作者,将可见光和红外光拍摄的星系光谱合并到一起。Shapley of Caltech and their collaborators combined galaxy spectra taken in both visible and infrared light.

现在,加州理工学院的研究者们声称,地球会通过移除大气中的氮来达到某种均衡。Now the Caltech scientists say that the planet may be able to compensate by removing nitrogen from the atmosphere.

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在过去几年,美国加利福尼亚理工学院的科学家在显微镜下将DNA折叠成有趣的外型。Scientists at Caltech have been folding microscopic strands of DNA into interesting shapes for the past few years.

那时加州理工学院的天文学家迈克布朗发现了一个微小极寒的星体,它的运行轨道比冥王星的远三倍。That was when Caltech astronomer Mike Brown found a tiny, frigid world orbiting some three times further out than Pluto.

钱先生否认了这些指控,加州理工学院的同事为他辩护,校方也聘请了一名律师帮助他。Mr. Qian denied the charges, his Caltech colleagues came to his defense, and the university hired a lawyer to assist him.

相比而言,加州理工学院团队研发的NCI的每一像素点,都能提供两方面的信息,距离和亮度。In contrast, each pixel in animage created by the Caltech team's NCI provides both the distance and intensity information.

在果蝇的原肠胚形成中发生了大规模的细胞重组和迁徙——由单层细胞构成的”管”发生坍塌后,细胞就开始扩散。The Caltech team observed the vast reorganization and migration of cells that occurs during gastrulation in Drosophila, the fruit fly.

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我最近收到了一封来自一位幼儿父母的信,想知道为了将来进入加州理工学院,他的孩子应该去哪里读书。He recently received a letter from a parent of a toddler wanting to know where the child needs to go in order to get accepted at Caltech.

凯尔科技的巴里巴拉斯说,“有一个能工作的望远镜在那里,再去发射一个新的,这看起来有点傻。”"It seems kind of nutty to send up something new when there's something already there that can do the job, "says Barry Barish of Caltech.

基思·德伍林是的固定供稿人。他是斯坦福大学语言和信息研究中心的执行主管和数学系顾问教授。GARY LORDEN is the main mathematics consultant for the CBS TV show Numb3rs and a professor of mathematics at CalTech in Pasadena, California.

扎威尔是加利福尼亚理工学院教师及校友中第27位获得诺贝尔奖的人,同时也是最近十年里第三位获此殊荣的学院教师。Zewail is the 27th Caltech faculty member or alumnus to receive the Nobel Prize, and the third faculty member to be so honored in this decade.

罗杰·布兰德福德是加州理工学院的学者,他提出了一个新奇的方法,这一方法证实了早期的合并对黑洞的成长并没有什么贡献。Roger Blandford, the Caltech theoretician, has suggested a novel way to prove that early mergers were not serious contributors to black hole growth.

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根据加州理工学院九月份发布的研究,美国消费者明显地更喜欢为可以接触感受到的商品支付。Apparently U.S. consumers still prefer -- and will pay more -- for goods they can touch and feel, according to a CalTech study released in September.

但就凭此次由设在夏威夷的加州理工学院亚毫米波天文台捕获的少量弥散的光线,我们就可以勾勒出这幅壮阔的图画。But from just a few stray bits of light, captured in this case by the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory in Hawaii, we can figure out the big picture.

位于帕萨迪那的喷气推进实验室将会为NASA的科学任务理事会管理该项火星探索任务。NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena manages the mission for the agency's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. JPL is a division of Caltech.