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玉米收获后耕翻冬灌,消灭越冬螨体。Plow and irrigate in winter after harvest.

回用水可以用来进行农田灌溉。The water would be reused to irrigate crops.

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他们建造成水渠以灌溉沙漠。They have built canals to irrigate the desert.

将清真寺的水重新用于灌溉也门干涸的田地。Mosque water is reused to irrigate Yemen's dry fields.

不行,下午我把那些没灌的地都给灌上。No, I'll irrigate all those didn't have the fertilizer.

这片疆埸临着小河,灌溉很方便。The field is convenient to irrigate as it is by the river.

鲍威尔湖的水一滴都没有用于灌溉该地区。None of the water from Lake Powell is used to irrigate the area.

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使用无菌消毒水清洗通道。Irrigate the channel with non-bacterial preserved-free sterile sealing.

他们在沙里挖下去,想找到清水来浇树苗。Digging into the sand, they sought for fresh-water springs to irrigate the saplings.

浇草坪和花园小心,以防止水从站立数天。Irrigate lawns and gardens carefully to prevent water from standing for several days.

那时候,我们连喝的水都不够,更不用说用水浇地了。收藏反馈。At that time we didn't have enough water to drink, let alone water to irrigate the land.

有些平源河流不断地以其洪水培肥和灌溉着周围的地区。Some plains rivers regularly fertillize and irrigate surrounding areas with their floods.

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这几天很旱,大家都接天上的雨水,积水浇田。It has been too hot in recent days. People are collecting rain water to irrigate the land.

换句话说,这个高楼将有能力每天灌溉一公顷的西红柿农场。In other words, the tower would be able to irrigate a one-hectare field of tomatoes per day.

漫灌用于灌溉饲料作物,有时也用于在不平坦的土地上灌溉小粒谷物。Wild flooding is used to irrigate forage crops and sometimes small grains on uneven topography.

雷尼尔山的退休人员在退休后模仿他们工作过的草地在自家造了绿色草坪并直接用水灌溉草坪。Retirees from rainier climes irrigate green lawns that impersonate the grasslands they left behind.

开水泵的人说,这个水泵抽上来的水足够灌溉五千亩地。The man operating this pump explained that it could supply enough water to irrigate 5000 mu of land.

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输水管道将被深埋地下以避免水分蒸发,输送至沙漠的水则被用来培植广林尾巨桉。The pipes, buried underground to avoid loss to evaporation, would irrigate fields of Eucalyptus grandis.

隔着太多的现实世界,我思想的尘埃里净出一片芬芳的土地,灌溉不生不灭的爱情。Separated by those prolix reality, the dust in my mind brew a aromatic land which irrigate my never-end love.

从长远角度看,如果不从治水着手,我们就不会有水来灌溉大面积的农田。In the long term, we won't be able to irrigate huge regions of farmland if we don't have the water to begin with.