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古早他留在一个大旅舍里留宿。He stayed in a caravan for the night.

当我们的车队离开了星海广场。After our caravan left Xinghai Square.

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看来旅行队是无法按时抵达了!The caravan will never make it in time!

“旧房子”就是马帮挡风避雨的地方。"Jiufangzi" is the caravan wind shelter.

寂静的大篷车传来一阵暴笑。A jest falls from the speechless caravan.

你认为你可以很容易地公园的马帮?Do you think you can easily park a caravan?

每隔几个夏天,我也会加入他们。And every few summers, we'd join the caravan.

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这个旅行队每天行走近100英里。The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day.

他们正开着房车在新英格兰旅行。They are touring in New England with a caravan.

哈桑老人和儿子纳苏,带领商队与风沙搏斗。Hassan and Nassau lead the caravan and sand fight.

当他们坐下吃饭的时候,举目观看,见有一夥米甸的商人和他们的骆驼队。It was a caravan of camels and traders from Midian.

你们要睡那里?帐蓬或是旅行车?What are you going to sleep in? A tent or a caravan?

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我们是近千头骆驼组成的驼队的一部分。We were part of a caravan of almost a thousand camels.

我们曾和一支有一万二千头骆驼的商队一起行进。Once we were part of a caravan of twelve thousand camels.

弥留之际,老人把整个商队的命运和未来交给了儿子。In his last time Hassan let Nassau lead the whole caravan.

大漠荒凉,长路漫漫。哈桑老人为整个商队指引着道路。Barren desert, a long way off. Hassan guided the caravan road.

商队士兵会升级到步战雇佣兵和步战职业杀手。Caravan Soldiers become Foot Mercenaries and Foot Hired Blades.

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在进入森林之前,他把商队的所有人员叫到一起。Before entering it, he called together all the members of the caravan.

克里斯蒂和达瑞尔是住在大篷车公园帕尔默斯岛。Christine and Darryl were staying at a caravan Park on Palmers Island.

Gustafson拒绝再次驾驶一架大篷车飞相同的航线。Gustafson turned down an offer to fly a new Caravan over the same route.