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他因杀人罪被判入狱。He was jailed for manslaughter.

Winkler于2007年被判犯有杀人罪。Winkler was convicted of manslaughter in 2007.

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丹尼斯被控杀人,但是被免罪。Denis was tried for manslaughter but was exonerated.

非故意非预谋杀人罪可基于过失犯罪而成立。Involuntary manslaughter can be based on criminal negligence.

这位奥斯卡最佳编剧奖获得者被控过失杀人。The Oscar-winning scribe was charged with vehicular manslaughter.

货车司机承认犯有撞车、逃逸和一般杀人罪。The pickup driver pleaded guilty to hit and run and manslaughter.

狈尔被控过失杀人,但后来所有指控被撤销了。Baer was charged with manslaughter but later was acquitted of all charges.

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弗林尼来自加的夫附近的佩纳斯镇,她否认自己谋杀,但承认过失杀人。Freaney, of Penarth, near Cardiff, denies murder but has admitted manslaughter.

米高积逊的医生默里被控非自愿性误杀罪名成立。Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's doctor, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

后来才知道,这名暴徒是一名来自佛罗里达的车祸过失致死案的缓刑犯。It later turned out he was on felony probation from Florida for vehicular manslaughter.

伦敦警察厅官员在南华克刑事法庭出席,他被控过失杀人罪。The Scotland Yard officer appeared at Southwark Crown Court, charged with manslaughter.

康拉德·穆里医生并不承认自己犯有过失杀人罪。Dr Conrad Murray has pleaded not guilty to felony involuntary manslaughter in his death.

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公司所有人艾萨克·哈里斯和马克斯·布兰科被诉以过失杀人,但在1914年无罪开释。The owners, Isaac Harris and Max Blanck, were tried for manslaughter but were acquitted in 1914.

除非在下周的搜查中发现了确凿的罪证,否则默里只会被控过失杀人。Unless a "smoking gun" is found in next week's search, Murray will be charged with manslaughter.

该指导方针也适用于未遂杀人罪和意图杀人而行凶。This guideline also covers attempted manslaughter and assault with intent to commit manslaughter.

转而向法庭作三宗过失杀人,一宗过失伤害的有罪辩护。He pleaded guilty to three counts of involuntary manslaughter and one count of reckless endangerment.

伊芳芙蕾妮承认了在2010年5月加地夫机场附近一家旅馆对儿子格兰造成的过失杀人罪。Yvonne Freaney admitted the manslaughter of her son Glen at a hotel near Cardiff Airport in May 2010.

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一个月后,沈阳市检察院以涉嫌故意杀人罪将丽丽批捕。A month later, Shenyang People's Procuratorate to the Gourami arrest suspected voluntary manslaughter.

被告不服所被指控的谋取杀罪但承认犯有较轻的杀人罪。The accused plead not guilty to the charge of murder, but plead guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter.

今天,三名警官被判处过失杀人罪,另两名警官也卷入了这起事件的恶意掩饰当中。But now three officers have been convicted of manslaughter and two others have been involved in the cover-up.