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终于到家了。Home at last.

我们到家了。We were home.

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佩蒂在家么?Is Patty home?

家,我回家了。Home. I'm home.

老娘我不干了,回家了。I'm going home.

往家给我拨打电话。Dial me at home.

搜查你的家。Frisk your home.

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我又跟丹丹回家。I told Dan home.

德雷珀家。The Draper home.

他想要带你回家。He'd take U home.

有房无家。Home is not home.

家,甜蜜的家!Home, sweet home.

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我坐汽车回家。I go home by car.

意大利是我的家。Italy is my home.


瓦茨是我的家。Watts is my home.

他要回到故里。He’s to come home.

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Me很快会回家来白勺。I'll soon be home.

做一份家庭录像。Make a home video.

家,我要回家。Home. I’ll go home.