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花朵是珍珠般的淡紫色。The flowers are pearly mauve.

该死,那只白狐狸跑哪里去了?Damn, namely pearly fox runs where go to?

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手上的点点汗珠,像夜晚花间的露水。With pearly sweat resembling dew of night.

一个律师死后来到天堂门口。A lawyer died and arrived at the pearly gates.

一工程师死了之后到天国之门报道。An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates.

第二年,他领着珍珠姑娘到远方度假,甚至没有向苍白的埃伦道别。Next year he took the pearly girl away. Holidaying.

三个人死后,当他们到了浅蓝色的闸口。Three guys died. When they got to the pearly gates.

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C型笑容指的是一大部分亮白的牙齿都露在前面。A C is when there's a big row of pearly whites in the front.

比尔.盖茨死了,在天堂之门前遇到了彼得大帝。Bill Gates dies and is met at the pearly gates by St. Peter.

光泽是玻璃体,以珠光,特别是对卵裂表面。Luster is vitreous to pearly especially on cleavage surfaces.

它有伟大真珠是的花瓣其颜色有红,洋红,以及紫色。It has large pearly petals in shades of red, pink, and purple.

你珍珠般靓丽的牙齿是否因为牙齿色斑而黯然失色?Have your pearly whites lost their luster due to teeth stains ?

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说着便抓起豆泥莲蓉珍珠糊,往她脸上涂去。And he began applying the pearly , gluey mess to her inky cheeks.

宵白也不动,只是盯着他,一字一句地道。Night pearly too stationary, just gaze at him, one the word is a tunnel.

往下读,看看为了保持自己牙齿珍珠般的闪亮洁白,能做些什么?Read on to find out what you can do to keep your pearly whites sparkling.

珠光不动声色地说了声“柳绿树红”。The pearly luster said calmly the sound "the willow tree greenery is red".

要性感的话,就选黑色的,千万别选白色或者肉色。The words that want to be sexy, choose black of, not choose pearly or nude.

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有了这个香蕉我的宝宝喜欢刷牙龈和珍珠般的小白牙齿!这帮她按摩牙龈、帮助出牙。My infant loves brushing her gums and brand new pearly whites with this banana!

三名男子都死于平安夜,而后分别在天堂之门被圣彼得召见。Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates.

三个家伙死后到达天堂之门,圣彼得在那儿招见他们。Three guys died and when they get to the pearly gates, St. Peter meets them there.