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你必须打消这个念头。You must banish the thought.

消除白天的挂牵。And banish the thoughts of day.

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打消这些念头吧!Banish such thoughts from your mind!

我要把她花园里的夜莺都赶走。I would banish nightingales from her garden.

学习如何驱除厌倦感对我们的快乐极其重要。Learning to banish boredom is essential for Happiness.

不管是否出于ˀ萜无奈,不要放逐的太快太快。Whether out of helpless, don't banish too fast too fast.

要消除病苦,必先净化自己的身心。To banish them, we must first purify our bodies and minds.

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让我们驱逐忧虑,疑惑和恐惧,全身心地去爱,去欢笑和给予!To banish worry, doubt, and fear, to love and laugh and give!

深呼吸,注意力集中,把北极熊从你的大脑里赶走哦。Take a deep breath, focus, and banish the animals from your head.

那么,你真是那么关心我,足以驱除那些吓人的幻景吗?。Do you really care for me enough, then to banish those chill fancies?

可恶的厌倦感,他会让我们产生疲劳、忧虑和怨恨感,想知道怎样消灭他们吗?How to Banish the Boredom That Produces Fatigue, Worry, and Resentment

不管是否出于无奈,不要放逐的太快太快。No matter whether don't banish too fast as it cannot be helped, too fast.

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至于那偏行弯曲道路的人,耶和华必使他和作恶的人一同出去受刑。But those who turn to crooked ways the Lord will banish with the evildoers.

又有多少人会选择禁止青少年在25岁时使用他们父母的医疗保险呢?How many votes to banish 25-year-olds from their parents'insurance coverage?

过分的约束是将平和驱逐出生活的最有效的方法。Over-committing is the surest way to banish stillness and calm from your life.

你可以打消任何搞晚会的念头,因为房子要重新油漆。You can banish from your mind any idea of a party. The house is to be repainted.

有证据表明,养宠物可以增加幸福感,释放压力。Pet ownership has been proven to boost happiness and banish stress. Thanks, Fido!

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女人,不要把你的男人赶到沙发上去睡,或赌气地推他去客卧。Women, don't banish your man to the couch or stomp off to pout in the spare bedroom.

女人不要把你的男人打发到沙发上去或生气离开到另一个卧室里去睡。Women, don’t banish your man to the couch or stomp off to pout in the spare bedroom.

我完全相信这个无意义的角色,但并不驱逐他。Of its unmeaning character, too, I was entirely persuaded, yet that did not banish it.