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他被派到了海外工作。He was sent abroad.

当在国外巧遇时。When we meet abroad.

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他从1987年起学英语。He went abroad in 1987.

要知道我们很少出国。YSK we rarely go abroad.

他从来没出过国。He has never been abroad.

佢本人都好想出国揾食。I would also play abroad.

你猜得离题太远。Your guess is all abroad.

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之后他到国外去了。Afterwards he went abroad.

他并没有潜逃国外。He did not abscond abroad.

他是从国外聘来的。He was engaged from abroad.

出国深造是我的目标。To study abroad is my goal.

她最近就要出国。She'll be going abroad soon.

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那么你宁愿旅居海外啦?。So you prefer living abroad?

他们渴望出国旅行。They pined to travel abroad.

出国学习是我的梦想。To study abroad is my dream.

她和我在国外邂逅。She and I forgathered abroad.

在家是兽王,出门是耗子。B lion at home, a mouse abroad.

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他在研究员基金资助下出了国。He went abroad on a fellowship.

对艺术的热爱促使他到了国外。Love for art carried him abroad.

开起门来四望吧。Open your doors and look abroad.