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鸭子大声嘲笑。Duck laughed derisively.

“原来是这么回事!”阿切尔嘲笑地说。"So that was it?" Archer said derisively.

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“怎的,你猜想这钱在哪儿?”西尔弗嘲弄地问道。"Why, where might you suppose it was?" asked Silver derisively.

好几个人都不约而同地以讥讽的口吻作出回答。This answer came derisively from several places at the same instant.

但是在芭堤雅,官员们对城市能够完全净化的想法嗤之以鼻。But here in Pattaya, officials chuckle derisively at the notion that the city can be totally sanitized.

吴是第一批改革者的一员,因此被冠以“吴市场”的绰号,曾经一度,出版商拒绝销售他的书籍。He was among them, and so he was derisively branded “Market Wu.” For a time, publishers refused to sell his books.

据中国媒体报道,张世平批评说,国企高管与“一线职工”的收入差距已达18倍。Chinese media reported that Zhang noted derisively that managers at state-owned companies earn 18 times as much as their 'front-line workers.'

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现在,苹果在智能手机大战输给谷歌了,苹果的粉丝们——雅号“果粉”——是时候开始在各大网络解析Google的领先没什么大不了。it's time for Apple's fans, derisively called "fanboys" on some parts of the internet, to start spinning reasons that Google's lead doesn't matter.

其间发生了包括拿破仑,保皇党复辟,和拿破仑三世,即维克多·雨果蔑称的“小人”治下的第三帝国。In the interim, there was Napoleon, the royalist restoration and the Second Empire under Napoleon III, the "little one, " as Victor Hugo said derisively.

在茶党推动下的共和党人为了恶意反对他们所嘲弄的“奥巴马医改”,立誓不让奥巴马的计划向前推进。Tea Party-fueled Republicans, energized by their virulent opposition to what they derisively branded "Obamacare, " vowed not to let Obama's agenda advance.

高等种姓的遇战疯人轻蔑地把她称为“哭泣者的千眼母亲“,不过很少有人这么做,而且就算这么做了,他们也是小心翼翼——即是是被放逐者的女神也仍然是一位女神。Upper caste Yuuzhan Vong derisively called her the "Many Eyed Mother of Snivelers", though this was rare, and even then they were cautious about it—even a goddess of outcasts was still a goddess.