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就连电影都能撕开旧伤。Even movies can reopen raw wounds.

你要是不重开牛博,人民会答应吗?!If you don't reopen Bullog, would people agree?

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日本地震区12家沃尔玛重新开业。Wal-Mart to reopen 12 quake-hit stores in Japan.

它使您能够重新打开意外关闭的窗口和选项卡。It lets you reopen the accidentally closed windows and tabs.

沃尔玛计划于下周二重新开放位于重庆的卖场。The retailer plans to reopen its Chongqing stores on Tuesday.

也许他们能够继续活动,重建他们的政党。Maybe they can renew their activities and reopen their parties.

商户可选择在这天开张营业,而且要大放鞭炮。After lighting firecrackers, shops reopen for business on this day.

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已经释放锁,关闭数据表,正尝试重新打开数据表。It has freed the lock, closed the table, and is trying to reopen it.

仅在最后一年,清华大学重新有2800名学生入学。Only last year did Tsinghua reopen to an enrollment of 2,800 students.

学校被迫关闭,直到吉斯林让步才重开。The schools were closed, and did not reopen till Quisling backed down.

本周二,克拉克郡银行将作为姆普夸银行的分行重新开张。Bank of Clark County will reopen on Tuesday as branches of Umpqua Bank.

这正呼应了詹姆逊主张重新开辟文学研究的历史途径的思想。This is Jameson'thoughts that he will reopen a way to study literature.

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先释放锁,关闭数据表,正尝试重新打开数据表。It has freed the lock, closed the table, and is now trying to reopen it.

先例表明许多被关闭的工厂和矿山将重新开放。Precedent suggested many of the closed factories and mines would reopen.

声明没有透露范思哲计划何时重新在日本开业。The statement didn't say when Versace planned to reopen stores in Japan.

而且当你重新开业时也很难再将他们拉回你的生意。It may prove very difficult to lure them back when you reopen for business.

钱之广表示,中国馆将可能实现与沙特馆的联动开放。He said that the China Pavilion and Saudi Arabia Pavilion might reopen together.

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中国当局星期二同意重新调查李树芬的死因。On Tuesday, Chinese authorities agreed to reopen an investigation into Li's death.

经历了数月无人居住的寒冬后,千年古刹即将重新开启。Unoccupied for the wintry months, this thousand-year-old temple is about to reopen.

绝绝对对没有第二个人比耶利米.埃利斯更加想要皮尔.穆罕默德学校重开了。No one — no one — wanted to reopen the Pir Mohammed School more than Jeremiah Ellis.