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这就是监管机构的职责That's what surveillance does.

什么是症状监测?What is Syndromic Surveillance?

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他仍然受到警方的监视。He is still under police surveillance.

在这儿,充斥着闭路电视监视系统。Closed-circuit TV surveillance is rife.

加强执法监督力度。Strengthen law enforcement surveillance.

一个用于侦察和监视小型无人机。A mini UAV for reconnaissance and surveillance.

中央街劫案的监控录像?Uh, surveillance from the Center Street Robbery?

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“但它也可以进行监督有效的负载。”"But it could also carry surveillance payloads."

轮状病毒疫苗的上市后监测Post-marketing surveillance of rotavirus vaccines

监视更为方便的好处多种多样。The benefits of easier surveillance are manifold.

苏雷什知道你在用摄像头监视他吗?。Does Suresh know you have him on video surveillance?

我倒是很希望日本把那些海监船击沉。I do hope that Japan sinks those surveillance ships.

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窃贼破坏了好几台监视录影机。The thief tampered with several surveillance cameras.

继续每日对病例进行挨家挨户的监测。Daily house-to-house surveillance for cases continues.

这成为一个监视和反监视的问题。It becomes an issue of surveillance vs. sousveillance.

管制刑是中国的独创。Public surveillance was an original creation of China.

赛尔夫在港口监控录像带上看到了卡鲁斯。Self spots Carruth on the Miami loft surveillance tape.

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警察严密监视那个罪犯。The police kept the criminal under strict surveillance.

至于锁定和监视技术,忘记它吧。As for lockdown or surveillance technologies, forget it.

藤田布置小林监视中村功。Cane fields decorate Lin surveillance reactive nakamura.