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真的假的?照片?Really? A picture?

黑白画面。A monochrome picture.

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这个图片很模糊。The picture is muzzy.

埃米画了一幅画。Amy painted a picture.

这是幅不错的图片。Here's a nice picture.

会唱一首关于书和包的歌。I have a picture book.

这就是整个构想So that's the picture.

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我家的全家照。A picture of my family.

照过最后一张相片。Are taken a picture of.

我把我的照片带回家。I take my picture home.

有些是图画书。Some are picture books.

这张画真好看。The picture looks nice.

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这是幅假画。This is a fake picture.

你拍到照片了吗?Do you have the picture?

看这大图。Look at the big picture.

我可以把这张丹青拿走吗?。May I take this picture?

我给你照张相好吗?May I take your picture?

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记住大图景。Remeber the Big Picture.

那张画中我的意。That picture pleased me.

这幅画不错。This picture is not bad.