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又见刘易斯和克拉克远征。See also Lewis and Clark Expedition.

他是远征队的指挥官。He is the commander of an expedition.

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何日平胡虏,良人罢远征。He day Hulu, beloved strike expedition.

于是他被探险队开除了。So he was expelled from the expedition.

他们出发去进行一次危险的远征。They started on a dangerous expedition.

谁将负担这次探险的费用?Who will find money for the expedition?

关于或组成宏观世界的。Relating to or constituting an expedition.

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十名探险家开始了他们的考察。Ten explorers set out on their expedition.

太阳出来之前探险队就出发了。The expedition started out before sunrise.

这条船已被派作远征之用。The vessel was assigned for the expedition.

他们为远征治装。They equipped themselves for the expedition.

我没有理由反对神马号的探险。I got nothing against the Pegasus expedition.

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这张照片由远征23号机组人员拍摄。The image was taken by the Expedition 24 crew.

拍下这幅图片的是探险队28号成员。The image was taken by the Expedition 28 crew.

特里大笑着说,“你只不过是这个考察队的一个有名无实的小头目。”You’re just the figurehead for this expedition.

所有的化石都是由一支探险队开发出来。All the fossils were exploited by an expedition.

那么他第二次远征航行时一共有多少艘船呢?How many ships set sail with his second expedition?

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1768年,他最大的运气就是主要的远征回来了。In 1768 his big chance for a major expedition came.

他们组织了珠穆朗玛峰登山队。They organized a climbing expedition to Mt. Everest.

红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。The reds fear expedition difficult, vast wounds only.