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是他们帮助我理解了乐曲。They help me navigate the music.

蝙蝠是靠回声定位法来导航的。Most bats navigate by echolocation.

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也许,它们经功夜空来入行飞行。对比一下。Perhaps they navigate by the night sky.

导航到队列管理器日志注册表项。Navigate to queue manager registry entry.

大多数企鹅似乎用太阳来确定方向。Most penguins seem to navigate by the sun.

购物者穿梭在狭窄的市场通道内。?。Shoppers navigate the narrow walkways past.

以及如何利用法律体系。and to know how to navigate the legal system.

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就是学习如何管理和引导变化。is learning how to manage and navigate change.

可以在通知上单击,以便直接导航到它。You can click on that advice to navigate to it.

导航到队列管理器日志注册表项。Navigate to the queue manager log registry entry.

现在你可以浏览到那些你想添加的文件。Now you can navigate to the files you want to add.

查看文本文件的只读模式,轻松浏览。View text files in read-only mode, navigate easily.

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找出用户是如何经由热贴图浏览你的网站的。Find out how users navigate your site via heat maps.

浏览到您的魔剑文件夹在电脑上。Navigate to your Shadowbane folder on your computer.

请把滑鼠移向点字,以浏览更多网站内容。Please move cursor on Braille to navigate this site.

他是第一个飞越大西洋的人。He was the first man to navigate the Atlantic by air.

首次在空中航行的飞行器是气球。The first vehicles to navigate the air were balloons.

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在管理控制台中,导航到组合单元。In the admin console, navigate to the composition unit.

通过双击书签来进行导航。Navigate through the bookmarks by double-clicking them.

你要浏览时只需拖动布局上的气泡。To navigate you have to drag the bubble upon the layout.