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帆布干时变硬。Canvas stiffens as it dries.

帆布袋内充水。Canvas Bag Filled with Water.

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在画布中选择这个房子。Select the house on the canvas.

银幕是用帆布做成的。This screen was made on canvas.

首先在画布上洗。Begin with a wash on the canvas.

他携带一个帆布大手提包。He is carrying a canvas carryall.

首先,画布是有衬里的么?For starters, is the canvas lined?

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房子都是由帆布和锡铁罐制成的。Houses are made of canvas and tin.

斜纹织纹帆布鞋面。Uppers of twill or textured canvas.

有没有人捡到一个摄影包?Did anyone find a small canvas bag ?

她带了一个鼓鼓囊囊的帆布包。She carried a filled canvas satchel.

BLC兼容的绒面革和帆布鞋面。BLC-compliant suede and canvas upper.

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他从帆布上的洞向里窥看。He keeks through a hole on the canvas.

或者,洁白的帆布鞋和涂鸦。Perhaps, pure canvas shoes and doodle.

那个画家在油画布上轻轻地涂着颜色。The artist dabbed paint on the canvas.

将鼠标移动到画布上并单击。Move the mouse to the canvas and click.

帆布袋单面六色丝印。Canvas bag with single face 6c printing.

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在一块历经岁月的欢乐画布上。On a canvas of joy outlasting the years.

这包裹应该用帆布缝起来。This parcel should be sewn up in canvas.

复制并粘贴人物图片到画布,用自由缩放工具,按住Shift键调整人物图片的大小。Copy and paste the image into our canvas.