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谓词演算与程序语义。Predicate Calculus and Program Semantics.

那么既然语法是这样,语义又该如何呢?So, that's the syntax. What are the semantics?

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第二章着重讨论了博弈论语义学。Chapter two comes to game-theoretical semantics.

链接具有表示链接语义的类型。Links have a type denoting the semantics of the link.

哲学语义学深奥难懂。Philosophical semantics is too abstruse to understand.

但所采集信息的语义大抵相似。But the rough semantics of what's gathered are similar.

未来桌面的语义学将是完全开放的。The semantics of the future desktop will be open-ended.

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这使句法学有别于音位学和语义学。This distinguished syntax from phonology and semantics.

否则,查询语义不允许使用索引。Otherwise, the query semantics do not allow index usage.

远程服务使用按值数据交换语义。Remotable services use by-value data exchange semantics.

名称空间确定了指令的语义。The namespace determines the semantics of the instruction.

这个隐式语义并不能保证未来的使用。This implicit semantics is not a warranty for future usage.

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其实,说没有癌症“治疗法”的部分原因是用词不当。Part of the reason for having no cancer "cure" is semantics.

卡尔纳普试图从语义学角度来定义因果必然性。Carnap tried to define causality from the angle of semantics.

要求使用转义字符才能修改语法的一些符号Symbols that require the escape character to change semantics

结构语义学研究含蓄的语义关系。Structural semantics deals with implicational lexical relations.

“VCT”的语义为艾滋病免费自愿咨询检测。"VCT" semantics for the free HIV voluntary counseling and testing.

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业务过程执行语义很难概念化。Business Process Execution semantics are difficult to conceptualize.

这将提供聚合和语义双重好处。This provides the double-edged benefit of syndication with semantics.

语用学是研究什么的?它和传统语义学有何不同?What does pragmatics study? How does it differ from traditional semantics?