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你要多加点玉米淀粉才行。You need to add more cornstarch.

把水和淀粉混合在一起。Mix the cornstarch and water together.

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把八勺淀粉放到碗里。Put eight spoonfuls of cornstarch into the bowl.

将玉米淀粉刷到头皮上和头发根部。and brush the cornstarch onto your scalp and roots.

玉米淀粉由玉米粒胚乳制成。Cornstarch is made from the endosperm of the corn kernel.

加入樱桃及适量生粉水炒匀,即成。Add the cherry and some cornstarch water, toss well. Serve.

将这碗太百粉水加热,淋在大盘上。Heat the bowl of cornstarch water and pour it over the plate.

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分次筛入混合的低粉,玉米淀粉和烤粉。Gradually sift in the cake flour, cornstarch and baking powder.

有些人说玉米淀粉更好,因为它对皮肤更温和。Some say cornstarch is better because it is softer on the skin.

再把鲮鱼肉、粟粉、蛋和调味料加入豆腐中拌匀。Mix the minced dace cornstarch egg and seasonings with the tofu.

最后加入芥兰度兜匀,埋芡,上碟。Lastly, add kale and sauce. Thicken the sauce with cornstarch. Dish.

再把鲮鱼肉、粟粉、蛋和调味料加入豆腐中拌匀。Mix the minced dace , cornstarch , egg and seasonings with the tofu.

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同时,在一个大锅中,混合白糖,玉米淀粉和盐。Meanwhile, in a large saucepan, combine the sugar, cornstarch and salt.

同时,在小平底锅、葡萄酒和柠檬汁混合成太白粉。Meanwhile, in small saucepan, blend wine and lemon juice into cornstarch.

以玉米淀粉为原料,采用新工艺制备出预糊化淀粉。The pre-gelatinized starch was prepared from cornstarch by a new technology.

用盐加味后放旁边醒15分钟,以后再加鸡蛋和玉米淀粉混合。Season with salt and let sit for 15 minutes, mix well with eggs and cornstarch.

以适量的水将粟粉开匀,然后加入于合桃水内。Mix appropriate amount of water with cornstarch . Add to the boiled walnut paste.

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月亮桥什烩饭以牛肉及青豆烩蛋白淋于白饭之上。Moon Bridge Special Over Rice with beef, peas, egg white and cornstarch over rice.

把小苏打或玉米淀粉直接扑在起痱子的地方来吸收湿气和汗。Apply baking soda or cornstarch directly to the rash site to absorb moisture and sweat.

这种软,高度吸收粉末是由最优秀的品位自然太白粉。This soft, highly absorbent powder is made from the finest grade of natural cornstarch.