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儒教算不算?Now does Confucianism count?

家,在中国,是礼教的堡垒。At home, Chinese, Confucianism fortress.

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什么是现代新儒商精神?What is New Modern Confucianism Commerce Spirit?

走过十年,我们相沫以儒。Through ten years, our phase foam with confucianism.

经世致用是儒学的传统。Emphasizing statecraft is a tradition of Confucianism.

但是儒家思想因其推崇以柔克刚的权力手段得以复兴。But Confucianism revived, with its softer approach to power.

所以遵循仁义忠孝道德常常会使人陷入困惑。So to follow Confucianism often leads people into confusion.

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他的家庭教育思想是以理学为基础的。His family educational thought was bayed on the Confucianism.

人性论是儒家思想的重要组成部分。Human nature is an important constituent of the Confucianism.

道教关注于自然以及人性,儒家则关注于培养。Taoism focuses on nature and Confucianism focuses on nurture.

这是马列主义远远不能同儒学相比的。This is far from Marxism-Leninism compared with Confucianism.

儒家思想渊远流长,构成中国民族文化的核心。Of long standing, Confucianism is the core of Chinese Culture.

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儒学现代化应向巴哈伊汲取什么?What should modernization of confucianism absorb from bahaism?

刘秀复汉的成功,与对儒家思想的借重是分不开的。The resuming of Han Dynasty by LiuXiu rely on the Confucianism.

他的思想形成了一种哲学体系,被称为儒学。His thoughts became the system of philosophy called Confucianism.

至今还不清楚儒学的复兴能为中国带来什么样的结局。It is unclear what the revival of Confucianism entails for China.

儒家的为己之学传统是一以贯之的。Self cultivation has been a traditional doctrine of Confucianism.

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儒家思想对中国的影响现在伊然可见。The influences of Confucianism are still evident in modern China.

我们已经谈过儒学高尚的道德属性。Of the lofty moral quality of Confucianism we have already spoken.

使儒家孔孟思想得以保留并且发扬光大。Can make the Confucianism thoroughfare thought reserve and promote.