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她真可爱。Isn't she lovely?

他是个可爱的小淘气。He is a lovely elf.

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他是个可爱的小淘气。He is a lovely tyke.

她是个可爱的女生。She's a lovely girl.

多么美丽的夜晚!What a lovely night!

他太可爱了。And he was so lovely.

可爱的柠檬搽剂。Lovely lemon liniment.

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她热情可爱。She is warm and lovely.

这是一块漂亮的印花布。This is a lovely print.

美如玉树的诗章。A poem lovely as a tree.

怪招人疼的。How lovely the child is!

我有一间漂亮的卧室缷。I have a lovely bedroom.

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我喜欢那只可爱的娃娃。I like that lovely doll.

那可爱的玛丽莫里逊!The lovely Mary Morison!

漂亮的花令我开心。Lovely flowers get to me.

可爱的健身室。The lovely wellness room.

我是个活泼可爱的小男孩。I was a lovely little boy.

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这孩子好可爱啊。The child's pretty lovely.

多可爱的麋鹿啊!What lovely elks they are!

这些花多可爱啊!How lovely the flowers are!