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这就是镰刀的低语。The whisper of the scythe then.

从洛斯里克的灵魂诞生出的镰刀。Scythe born from the soul of Lothric.

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但那柄镰刀偏对一丛花高抬贵手。Beside a reedy brook the scythe had bared.

他正忙着干活,在磨一把长柄大镰刀的刃儿。He was very busy, putting an edge on a scythe.

我的长镰低语,离开一堆堆干草。My long scythe whispered and left the hay to make.

从窃取凯尔特人的大镰刀停止邪魔。Stop the demons from stealing the Scythe of the Celt.

化成老人或骷髅头和长柄镰刀。Death personified as an old man or a skeleton with a scythe.

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我发现凯尔特人的这把大镰刀相当是干扰的力量。I find this Scythe of the Celt to be quite a disturbing force.

死神通常被描绘成披着黑袍、手持镰刀的骷髅。Death is often pictured as a skeleton in a black robe, holding a scythe.

我寻找不可思议的护符,叫作凯尔特人的大镰刀的一个邪恶的武器。I seek a magical talisman , an evil weapon known as the scythe of the Celt.

当一个神秘的垃圾箱被声称时,一把大镰刀援助削瘦的筹款者。When a mysterious garbage can is alleged, a scythe befriends the skinny fundraiser.

那些在开掘描述发现抓住一把古老大镰刀的一个人的雕枯的尸体。Those on the dig describe Discovering the withered body of a man clutching an ancient scythe.

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在“割草“中镰刀割草时发出声响,这个声音很微弱,安静,像低声细语。In "Mowing," the scythe makes a sound as it cuts, and that sound is delicate, it's quiet, it whispers.

树林边静悄悄,只有一点声音,那是我的长镰在对大地低语。There was never a sound beside the wood but one, And that was my long scythe whispering to the ground.

人生也同样在其痛苦的刈割,失望的收剪,和伤残的芟削之前,表现出勇敢的精神。Thus in human life we make a brave show, before the scythe of pain, the shears of disappointment, the sickle of death.

当启示周末是发表当做那数据片为邮政的2,它附加的那新回飞棒弯刀,大槌,和长柄的大镰刀。When apocalypse weekend was released as the add-on for postal2 it added the new boomerang machete sledgehammer and scythe.

在“割草“中字里行间就像是镰刀扫过,当它放倒一排排的麦子时,弗罗斯特想要我们仔细思考。In "Mowing," the poem's lines are like sweeps of the scythe as it lays down rows of swale. Frost wants us to think about that.

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他靠得非常近,老人很担心他会用尾巴将钓线剪断,他的尾巴锐利得有如镰刀一样,连大小和形状都极像镰刀。He had stayed so close that the old man was afraid he would cut the with his tail that was sharp as a scythe and almost of that size and shape.

我的长长的镰刀低语着留下一堆稻草“,这让我们重新回到割草的劳动中,来朗读,解释,解密这首诗歌。My long scythe whispered and left the hay to make" returns us to the work of mowing and the work of reading and interpretation and deciphering.

沼泽地“这个词很有意思,听到S和W的发音了吧,这是这首诗的关键发音,也是低语着的镰刀的声音。The word "swale" is interesting. You hear in it the s and the w, the two key sounds of this poem, which are the sounds of the whispering scythe.