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氧化胆固醇可能是造成动脉堵塞的元凶。Oxidized cholesterol may be responsible for furring up the arteries.

同时分析了冷却水温度升高、结垢对冷凝器效率的影响程度。Also analyzed the influence of temperature and furring on the heat pump system.

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用钉子,螺丝,夹子或电线扎带将金属或石膏板条固定到钉或贴面。Attach metal or gypsum lath to studs or furring using nails, screws, clips or wire ties.

现在许多家居都有独立供暖,热水也自己解决,但水垢问题不能忽视。Many homes now have independent heating and hot water are themselves, but furring issues can not be ignored.

有时候对天花板的一部分或者整体抹灰是隐藏表面贴装水管、电线的最好办法。Sometimes furring down part of or the entire ceiling is the best way to bury surface-mounted pipes or wires.

能去除泥沙、铁锈,但无法彻底去除水垢和细菌、病毒,属于初级过滤。Purify silt, can ferruginous , but cannot complete purify furring and bacterium, virus, belong to primary filter.

验尸检查,医生没有找到任何可表明老年痴呆症或在心脏疾病中可看到的动脉水垢的证据。At postmortem examination, doctors found no evidence of dementia or the furring of the arteries seen in heart disease.

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本文对外墙贴面砖脱落原因进行分析,并提出防治意见。This paper analyses the cause of furring brick dropping from outside wall and put forward the idea of prevention and cure.

“德国水大夫”只是把线圈缠在水管外,并未与水接触,但却把水垢除掉了,那水垢去哪儿了?German water doctor" just coil wrapped around a water pipe, not contact with water, but they will make to remove the encrustation , That furring to where?"

一旦独立供暖的锅炉内部结水垢,一方面是热效率降低的问题,更重要的是由此会带来安全隐患。Once independent heating boilers internal customs furring , on the one hand, thermal efficiency issues, but more importantly it will create security risks.

即使是在绝对无菌的环境中,动物饮食含有高胆固醇时,动脉也出现“堵塞”或“垢状”现象。Even animals that are kept in an absolutely sterile environment can suffer from "clogging" or "furring" of the arteries when their food contains high levels of cholesterol.

在分析南方水土流失特征的基础上,对贴地表覆被保持水土效益作了系统评价。The article analyzed the feature of soil and water loss in southern region, and appraised systematically the effects of furring mulches on controlling soil and water losing.

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由于干挂工艺相对湿贴复杂,而各种图集规范中涉及不多,目前施工中多依据经验由施工人员自行操作,缺乏理论性。The suspense craft is self operated by builders in accordance with the experience without theory, relatively complicated aginst furring and rarely involved in every standard.

近年来,慢性感染被认为与一种可以引起动脉生垢的疾病相关联,即心脏动脉粥样硬化,为心脏病发作的主要原因。In recent years chronic infections have been associated with a disease that causes "furring" of the arteries, called atherosclerosis, which is the main cause of heart attacks.

用于砖墙、贴面砖外墙及涂料、天然石材饰面外墙的防水抗渗、防污、保色、抗风化等。Used for bricks and furring brick wall outside and coatings, natural stone material surface decoration of the facade waterproof anti-permeability, anti-fouling, the color, fight decency, etc.

用于砖墙、贴面砖外墙及涂料、自然石材饰面外墙的防水抗渗、防污、保色、抗风化等。Used for bricks and furring brick wall outside and coatings, natural stone material surface decoration of the facade waterproof anti-permeability, anti-fouling, the color, fight decency, etc.