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只有玛拉知道这些。Only Marla knows this.

我问玛拉,我叫什么名字。I ask Marla what my name is.

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玛拉说,“你救了我的命。Marla says, "You saved my life.

“但你就是泰勒,”玛拉说。"But you are Tyler, " Marla says.

“可你就是,泰勒,”玛拉说。"But you are, Tyler, " Marla says.

万一马拉放火烧了房子。Just in case Marla burns the house down.

马拉和泰勒冲到街上,钻进一辆出租车里。Marla and Tyler rushed out into the street.

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玛拉问,“为什么免单啊?”Marla asks, "Why is he giving us free food?"

马拉打电话给我的原因,是她讨厌我。This is why Marla called, because she hates me.

玫瑰,玛拉告诉我,是天然的止血剂。The rose, Marla tells me, is a natural astringent.

马拉说她真正害怕的是那个手术。Marla said it was the operation itself that scared her.

泰勒从来不在餐馆里吃饭,而马拉也没有长皱纹。Tyler never ate in restaurants, and Marla wasn't wrinkled.

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马拉低头看见我手上泰勒留下的吻痕。Marla looks down at my hand and the scar from Tyler's kiss.

马拉说所有太空猴都把头给剃秃了。Marla says now all the space monkeys are shaving their heads.

“我以前和一个喜欢穿我衣服的家伙约会过,”玛拉说。"I dated a guy once who liked to wear my clothes, " Marla says.

我听到前门被猛的关上了.玛拉没有等到第三天.And I hear the front door slam shut. Marla doesn't wait the three days.

研究的主要负责人马勒.艾森伯格说,专家们都非常得惊讶。The professors were “surprised, ” said Marla Eisenberg, lead researcher.

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我把我的钱包拿出来,给玛拉看我驾驶执照上的真名。I take out my wallet and show Marla my driver's license with my real name.

马拉在发现第一个肿块后便开始参加互助小组。Marla had started going to the support groups after she found the first lump.

“巴黎式嘴唇,”马拉说,“人老了以后,嘴唇就缩进嘴里。"Paris lips, " Marla said. "As you get older, your lips pull inside your mouth.