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你怎么让一头蠢驴处于悬念中呢?How do you keep a jackass in suspense?

他是个愚蠢的家伙,没有人喜欢他。He is such a jackass . Nobody likes him.

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我用我们的“公驴”这个词代表J字,这总是引起一阵咯咯笑声。We always giggled about J we used our word for jackass.

这是一个旧式的汽车抢劫犯在晚上惯用的模式。This is a classic scenario for car jackass to use at night.

他是个无法自拔的混球,认为自己是只狡猾的狐狸?That he is an irrepressible jackass who thinks of himself as a sly fox?

我不知道为什么,杰德好像总是自己做出一些愚蠢的事。I don't know why, but Jed always seems to make a jackass out of himself.

我不知道为什么,杰德好像总是自己做出一些愚蠢的事。I do not know why, but Jed always seems to make a jackass out of himself.

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向你这样华而不实的蠢货,怎么让女人老是围着你转呢?How does a pompous, cocky jackass like you always have women all over him?

除非你是一个彻头彻尾的傻瓜,或者是一真人秀的制片人,否则没有人想徒增烦恼和痛苦。Unless you're a complete jackass or a reality show producer, nobody wants to inflict pain.

你不能把一头驴放在飞机上,然后指望它们下飞机之后就能像赛马一般健步如飞,但我们还是在尝试着这么做。You can’t put a jackass on a plane and expect it to get off as a racehorse. But try we will.

一只老虎在床上,一只貂在衣柜里,一只豹在车库里,还有一只会为所有这些付账的蠢驴。A tiger in bed, a mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage and a jackass to pay for it all.

先生,你把自己标榜的和无知的野蛮人一样“伟大”,同时你的“伟大”让这个世界上所有的混球都相形见拙。Sir, you pride yourself on an ability in which any ignorant barbarian is your equal and any jackass immeasurably your superior.

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企鹅图片。与流行的企鹅图片相反像冰-居民,公驴企鹅生活在温和气候的西南非洲。Contrary to the popular image of penguins as ice-dwellers, jackass penguins live in the temperate climate of southwestern Africa.

我一时冲动,很是粗鲁”很少有电视观众想为此事和他理论,或者和总统奥巴马理论,因为总统有一次轻率地说韦斯特是一头母驴。" Few TV viewers would quarrel with him — or with President Obama, for that matter, who in an unguarded moment referred to West as a "jackass.

让一家美国公司吃惊的是他们在拉丁美洲推销其产品时发现产品的牌名在西班牙语中的意思是“公驴油”。A U. S. company was taken by surprise when it introduced its product in Latin America and learned that the name meant "jackass oil" in Spanish.

迪克是一个自大又愚蠢的生意人,他忽视自己周围发生的事情,因为他总是在忙着做一项大生意。Dick is a self-important corporate jackass who misses what is going on around him because he's always in pursuit of an important business deal.

如果你从小就善良体贴,而现在为了不被别人利用,你逼迫自己去做一些自认为愚蠢的事。You see you may have been a nice and caring person since your childhood. Now you finally feel like being a jackass so that you don’t get taken advantage of.

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据传,这位后来的报纸大亨曾经把一头驴偷偷放到一位教师的房间,并在驴的脖子上留下一张卡片,写着“现在这里有你们两个人。”According to legend, the future newspaper magnate once bought a jackass and snuck the animal into a professor's room, leaving a card around its neck with the note, "Now there are two of you."