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我们白天可以看见太阳。We can seethe sun in the daytime.

怨恨与愤怒在他的内心翻腾。Resentment and rage seethe within him.

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您要看看甜点菜单不?。Would you like to seethe dessert menu?

不可用山羊羔母的奶煮山羊羔。Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.

计算必须活泼泼地翻腾,表现。Computation must seethe andbehaveas if it is alive.

布什政府对此无可奈何。The Bush administration could do little but seethe.

他们默默站着,但心中忿忿。They stand quietly, but secretly they seethe with their anger.

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无面者也云集其下,急切地渴望着能够再次重返地表世界。Forgotten ones seethe below, eager to return to the world above.

该建筑的建造始于1884年,高迪在世时建成的部分充满了激动人心的有机力量。Begun in 1884, the parts of the cathedral completed in Gaudi's time seethe with organic energy.

圣殿皇族得以完整保存,尤其是狂徒,但没能为国尽忠的羞耻感深深的灼烧着他们的内心。The Templar caste as a whole, and the zealots in particular, seethe with shame at this dishonor.

结果,我们携带了消极的能量,同事对于关系中缺乏的东西热血沸腾。As a result, we carry around negative energy as we seethe over what we are missing in our relationships.

但有时因为车上人太多,我看不清楚站台站牌上车站的名字。But sometimes I can't seethe station's name on the sign at the platform because the train is too crowded.

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有多少经营了多年的公司赢了利却只见互联网将他们的赚钱计划侵蚀了?How many companies roared along for decades, minting money, only to seethe Internet eat their business plans?

启动时我看到了控制台消息,但是启动后看不到CDE启动或者类似的任何信息。I seethe console messages at bootup, but once it's booted, I don'tsee the CDE ?startup or anything like that.

我们继续走着,当我们走过高低的时候,我看到亨利正站在空地上,于是我愣住了。We walk on. As we walk over the rise I seethe Meadow laid out before us, and Henry is standing in the clearing.

但前景不可避免地作出了伊朗保守派,其中许多人反对总统,沸腾。S. relations. But the prospect inevitably made Iranian conservatives, many of whom oppose the President, seethe.

朋友们,你是否相信人的一生有一种信念,总该有一些东西令我们感动和沸腾?Friends, you believe people's life have a kind of faith, do this some things make us move and seethe with excitement?

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要选用羊群中最好的,把柴堆放在锅底下,使锅沸腾,把骨头煮在锅中。Take the choice of the flock, and burn also the bones under it, and make it boil well, and let them seethe the bones of it therein.

我不知道远方的你,是否依靠着我的思念,在夏日的风尘里,激荡起一片沸腾的炎热,摇曳着沉沉的幸福。I don't know far-away place of you, whether depend on me to remember fondly, in the dust of journey of the summer, the surging rises one to seethe of blazing hot, flutter a deeply happiness.