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一个柬埔寨的小学生也可以申请Gmail帐号。A schoolchild in Cambodia can have a Gmail account.

图为印度儿童乘人力车回家的情景。Indian schoolchild ren riding a rickshaw back home.

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任何一个学童都能告诉你,地球是蓝色的。As any schoolchild can tell you, the planet is blue.

哪一个美国学童没听过太空营?Which American schoolchild hasn't heard of Space Camp?

现在每个小学生都知道地球是圆的。That the earth is round is now known to every schoolchild.

他不事声张地寻找农民、或市场摊贩、护士或小学生,了解他们的情况。In his quiet way, he would find a farmer, or a market stall holder, a nurse, or a schoolchild and learn about them.

甚至连一个学童也能领会到,雅典娜位于潘朵拉之上的黄金与象牙堆砌出来的壮丽简直与将基像换成夏娃的场景如出一辙。Could not a schoolchild grasp that Athena's gold and ivory grandeur above Pandora was literally based on this obvious picture based of Eve?

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据说,“,他告诉他的学生,”一般的英国学生除了记得Hastings战役发生在1066年外,再也不记得其它历史。“It is claimed, he told his class, that the average British schoolchild remembers little more history than that the Battle of Hastings was in 1066.

怀着复杂的心情走进学校,学校的孩子为我们举行了一个欢迎仪式,虽然简单,却让我们很感动。Had the complex feelings to enter the school, the schoolchild has held a welcome ceremony for us, although simple, actually let us be very affected.

对于货币如何替代易货贸易的故事,每个上学的孩子都很熟悉,不过在这里仍然值得重述一下,因为这个故事阐明了货币的性质。The story of how money replaced barter is familiar to every schoolchild , but it is worth repetition for the light it throws on the nature of money.

每个中国学童都知道慈禧太后挪用海军专门拨款在夏季宫殿建造石头大船的故事。Every schoolchild in China knows the story of the Dowager Empress who used funds earmarked for the navy to build stone boats at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

这个想法即一些在华府的立法者和官僚有能力制定出一个能够满足每个美国孩子需要的课程计划是滑稽可笑的。The very idea that a group of legislators and bureaucrats in D.C. can design a curriculum capable of meeting the needs of every American schoolchild is ludicrous.

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中国学校应该设立一个目标,那就是让每一个学生都有机会经常踢上足球,也许还包括在学校之外建设一些足球场地。The aim should be to provide every Chinese schoolchild with an opportunity to play soccer at school regularly. This may involve creating pitches away from the school.

本发明是压板,属于防止写字时本子卷边的文具技术领域,解决小学生写字时本子卷边的问题。The present invention relates to a paperweight board, belonging to the field of stationery technology, aimed at preventing exercise-book edge from curling when schoolchild writes on it.

这里的每一个学龄儿童都知道大禹的传说,他的伟大功绩在于4000年前修筑了河渠和排水沟,终止了当时黄河洪水的泛滥。Every schoolchild here learns the legend of “the great Yu, ” whose prodigious feats of canal building and drainage ditch digging 4, 000 years ago put an end to killer floods on the Yellow River.