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这里一只婴儿水豚用鼻爱抚它的妈妈在巴西的沼泽地。Here, a baby capybara nuzzles its mother in a Brazilian swamp.

物种范围从很小部分的老鼠到产自巴西的100磅重的水豚。The species ranged from tiny field mice to the 100-pound capybara from Brazil.

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这只小的水豚被当地一种叫做凯门鳄的鳄鱼拖下了水。This young capybara was dragged into the water by a caiman, a local alligator.

巴若看上去像只受了惊吓的南美洲的水豚,正被凶悍的巴西女战士步步进逼。B&N looks like a frightened capybara running from a fierce Brazilian she-warrior.

在水豚是世界上最大的活鼠,主要在南美洲发现。The capybara is the largest living rodent in the world and is mainly found in South America.

这可能和腌水豚肉的味道有关,它兼具沙丁鱼和猪肉的味道。That may have something to do with how salted capybara tastes, resembling a mixture of sardines and pork.

长到如此大的尺寸,是由于它们可以捕食野猪,鹿,鸟,龟,水豚,凯门鳄甚至美洲虎。They reach their monumental size on a diet of wild pigs deer birds turtles capybara caimans and even jaguars.

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过去,当地一种鳄鱼凯门鳄将这种小水豚拖入水中饱餐一顿,而现在这些水豚正成为水虎鱼的佳肴。This young capybara was dragged into the water by a caiman, a local alligator. But now a swarm of piranhas is feasting on the prize.

水豚肉的热爱者包括在巴里纳斯州长大的委内瑞拉总统查维兹。Capybara aficionados include President Hugo Chávez, who grew up in Barinas, a state on Venezuela's steamy plains where capybaras are common.

节目制作人员将会跟随一名鹦鹉发烧友到巴西观察世上最大的金刚鹦鹉,看看金刚鹦鹉如何跟其他700个品种野生动物在同一个自然环境下生活。In a journey of a lifetime we explore the lush grasslands of Brazil to encounter the macaws living alongside 700 species of animals and birds including caiman, capybara and giant anteaters.

事实上,由于水豚肉如此令人垂涎,在当局规定只能在私人土地上猎捕一定数目的野生水豚之前,盗猎者几乎已把委内瑞拉全境的水豚抓光。In fact, the meat is so coveted that poachers nearly wiped -out the country 's capybara population, until the authorities limited hunting of the wild rodent to controlled amounts on private land.