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这三个男人属于胡图族反叛分子。The three men were rebel Hutu.

总之,种族灭绝给了没有土地的胡图族发动阶级斗争的接口。In short, the genocide gave landless Hutu the cover they needed to initiate class warfare.

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这位富有的商人被指控为凶手——胡图族军事武装提供资金。The rich businessman is accused of bankrolling the Hutu militias that committed the murders.

三个月后挑起内战的图西族造反派击败胡图政府,屠杀这才结束。The killings ended three months later after Tutsi rebels fighting a civil war defeated the Hutu government.

这次事件是在图西叛乱分子在内战中击败胡图政府的三个月后发生的。The killings ended three months later after Tutsi rebels fighting a civil war defeated the Hutu government.

这个畜牧民族,一般被称之为瓦图西人,统治着靠近卢旺达的地方直到被胡图人废黜。The cattle-raising people, popularly known as Watustsi, ruled neighboring Rwanda until deposed by the Hutu majority.

Kabuga的电台宣扬极端的胡图族教义并煽动针对图西族人的暴力行为。Kabuga's radio station propagated extremist Hutu ideology and incited violence against the Tutsi population of Rwanda.

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当地民众说,这三人是强硬派胡图反叛运动FNL成员,该组织已经在2009年解除武装。Local people said the three were members of a hardline Hutu rebel movement, the FNL, which laid down their arms in 2009.

旁人还会假定,既然灭绝人性的胡图族政权是一帮劣迹斑斑的马仔拉起的队伍,那么颠覆他们的图西族造反派就一定是一群惩恶扬善的好人。Others assumed that if the genocidal Hutu regime were the bad guys, then the Tutsi rebels who overthrew them must be the good guys.

卢旺达总统卡加梅赶走了指挥大屠杀的胡图族领导人,并建立了一个自那时起到现在一直稳定的图西族政权。Rwanda's President Paul Kagame drove out the Hutu leaders of the massacre and helped set up a Tutsi regime that has been in power ever since.

人权组织声称,她是胡图族的一员,策划了那次屠杀,对于这项指控,她断然否认。Human rights organisations say she was a member of an elite Hutu group which masterminded the killings, an allegation she emphatically denies.

1990年代的布隆迪也是如此,当时的胡图族政府屠杀了图西人,图西人控制政府以后又对胡图族进行了屠杀。The same was true in Burundi in the 1990s, where Hutu governments massacred Tutsis, after which the Tutsis turned around and did the same to Hutus.

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1994年四月,卢国的胡图总统被刺杀了,于是胡图人展开了对土瓷人的灭绝性追杀。The assassination of Hutu president Habyarimana in April 1994 set off a violent reaction, resulting in the Hutus' conducting mass killings of Tutsis.

一年前,FNL领袖鲁瓦萨在与之前的胡图族总统多米蒂安·恩达伊泽耶在坦桑尼亚面对面谈判之后第一次签署停战协议。The FNL leader, Agathon Rwasa, signed the first truce a year ago after face to face talks in Tanzania with the then Hutu president Domitien Ndayizeye.

不管怎样解释都不会妨碍在历史上图西族和其它优秀族群凭借自己的外来背景将他们与大多数胡图族人更好地区别开来。That didn't stop the Tutsi and other elites from embracing the story of their exotic origins to better differentiate themselves from the majority Hutu.

在春季里短短一百多天内,数以百万的卢旺达图西族人被他们的死对头胡图族人屠杀,这使得卢旺达这样一个非洲小国变成了一个藏骸所。In just one hundred spring days, a million Rwandan Tutsis were massacred by their fellow Hutu countrymen and a small African country was turned into a charnel house.

比如,纳粹声称所有的犹太人都是世界阴谋的一部分,而Hutu极端主义在万达声称所有的土特人都是反动派的共犯。The Nazis, for example, claimed that all Jews were part of a global conspiracy, and Hutu extremists in Rwanda claimed that all Tutsis were accomplices of the rebel forces.

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据报道,参与武装抢劫的布隆迪反叛武装主要是一些在1993年布隆迪内战期间流落在坦布边界地区的难民,绝大多数是胡图族人。Reports said that the looting rebels were mainly some refugees who fled to the Tanzanian-Burundi border region during the 1993 Burundi civil war, most of whom were Hutu people.

恩孔达说,他在保护这一地区的图西族人不受在这里活动的卢旺达胡图族民兵的伤害,并要求同刚果政府举行直接谈判。Nkunda says he is protecting the region's ethnic Tutsi community from Rwandan Hutu militia operating in the area, and has demanded direct negotiations with the Congolese government.

到殖民者在上世纪60年代初承认这些国家独立时,图西族和胡图族之间的族群敌视已经导致了一波又一波的杀戮与报复性杀戮。By the time the colonizers granted the countries independence in the early 1960s, ethnic hostilities between Tutsi and Hutu had already led to waves of killings and retaliatory murders.