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蔡琴是一位女低音歌手。Cai Qin is a contralto.

蔡先生住在什么地方?Where does Mr. Cai live?

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是蔡伦发明的。It was invented by Cai Lun.

没碗怎么盛菜呢?How Sheng Cai does not bowl?

蔡昱峰笑称。Cai sunlights peak laugh says.

但是蔡伟仍然十分谦虚。But Cai Wei is still very modest.

谢谢分享好曲子。非常动听!Very good memory of Delphine Cai.

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蔡依林做过整形手术吗?Has Cai Yilin done plastic surgery?

请问蔡总目前百分女人有多少家店面?How many stores do you have now, Mr Cai?

蔡孚,开元中为起居郎。诗二首。Cai Fu, Kaiyuan for Qiju Lang. Two Poems.

祝贺梅兰妮,丹尼尔和蔡先生。Congratulations Daniel, Melanie & Mr Cai.

蔡国强的展览意味着什么?。What Does Cai Guoqiang's Exhibition Mean?

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主要锻炼学生的单词辨认和认读能力。Can let Ss read one by one to look at CAI.

我在育才中学读书。I'm studying at Yu Cai Senior Middle school.

墙上有一张蔡依琳的照片。There is the photo of Cai Yilin on the wall.

蔡尚君将本片描述成一部复仇片。Mr. Cai described the film as a revenge story.

可是金成依然禁止,绝不可以惊动蔡蓉!But still sung Kim ban, can not disturb Cai Rong!

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成才,我们这伙人不只是为了对抗。Cheng Cai , people like us do not live only to fight.

蔡说,他们从未经历过这样的事。Cai says they've never experienced anything like this.

一次,刘表请刘备代替他到襄阳去会见百官,蔡氏兄妹觉得这是杀害刘备的好机会。Cai and her brother decided it was an good opportunity.