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我怎么复制Vista的功能?Can I replicate the Vista functionality?

添加一个列到复制定义Adding a column to a replicate definition

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为添加一个列到复制定义To add a column to a replicate definition

通常,您不想复制所有的用户。Often, you do not want to replicate all users.

膜富集纯化重楼总皂苷的工艺研究。To study the replicate technology of membrane.

高保证表单用于复制基于纸张的表单High-fidelity forms to replicate paper-based forms

复制环境到多个工作站上Replicate the environment onto multiple workstations

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然后,他们复制并移动到唾液腺。Then they replicate and move to the salivary glands.

显示如何创建复制模板的屏幕截图Screenshot showing how to create a replicate template

我们应该从这些错误中吸取教训,而非重复它们。We should learn from these rather than replicate them.

除DNA外,什么东西也没有自我复制的能力。Nothing has the capacity to replicate itself except DNA.

这意味着当用户进行复制时,他们要经历长时间的延时。This means long delays for your users when they replicate.

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乍看起来,脑组织中似乎没有复制什么。At first glance nothing seems to replicate in brain tissue.

主复制的主目录可以重新定义。The master dictionary of a master replicate can be redefined.

他的小组下一步计划用男人泪水重复他们的研究。His team next plans to replicate their study with men's tears.

我们将在自己创建的历史堆栈中再现这种行为。We will replicate this behavior in the history stack we build.

这个影子复制实际上是旧的从复制。This shadow replicate is actually the old non-master replicate.

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Yim及其团队现在开始将试图重复他们的发现。Yim and her group will now attempt to replicate their findings.

它也必须能够复制商业和战术无线系统。It must also replicate commercial and tactical wireless systems.

影子复制是已有的或基本的复制的一个副本。A shadow replicate is a copy of an existing, or primary, replicate.