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这些产品能帮助美国人吃得更健康么?Will such products help Americans to eat more healthfully?

因此本文给出了一些建议,帮你从零食中吃出健康的。So here are a few ideas to help you snack more healthfully.

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总体说来,健康地进餐、缓慢地减重,则更加持久。In general, slower weight loss by eating more healthfully is more sustainable.

你可以通过经常锻炼与健康的食谱来控制体重。You can control your weight by exercising regularly and eating more healthfully.

但沿着上帝想法和判断活下去,对我更好的事万发生,健康地指引我吧。Still, better event happens and guide me healthfully to me if live through God thinking and estimation.

他说菜园像白宫里帮助人们重新把食物和更健康地吃饭联系在一起的一个人。He said gardens like the one at the White House help people reconnect with food and eat more healthfully.

试想,如果你很健康,你就不必去看医生,不必吃药。Think about all the doctor visits and prescription drugs you can avoid because you are living healthfully.

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他说像白宫这样一个的菜园帮助人们重新与食品和食用更加健康联系在一起。He said gardens like the one at the White House help people read connect reconnect with food and eat more healthfully.

总之,调查结果显示食用纯素或素食的宠物狗是能健康地生活的。Overall, the results of this study favor the proposition that dogs can live healthfully on a vegan or vegetarian diet.

有些研究认为,食用辣椒等辣味食品有助于新陈代谢。And some research suggests that eating hot foods such as chiles may even help to keep the good ol' metabolism healthfully high.

健康饮食才应该是长远目标,别妄想有什么健康速成法——持之以恒才是关键。Eating Healthfully should always be a long term vision, never look for quick fixes when it comes to health – Consistency is key.

许多食物过敏的患儿父母希望他们的孩子能够学会健康有效地应付过敏。It is the hope of many parents of children with food allergies that their children will learn to healthfully cope with allergies.

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在导致5.4万儿童生病的毒奶丑闻发生后,很多中国人疯狂搜集如何吃得健康的秘诀。In the wake of the toxic milk scandal that has sickened 54,000 children, many Chinese are frantic for tips on how to eat healthfully.

不论他第二天早上是要去打仗,还是去蹲牢房,在营帐中还是在舰船上,贤明的上尉都会睡得又甜又香。Whether he was going into action the next morning or to prison, in the camp or the Fleet, the worthy Captain snored healthfully through the night.

美国糖尿病协会编辑了一份易于掌握的每日智慧,帮助这些家庭用这些独特的挑战让生活愉快,健康。The American Diabetes Association has compiled an easy-to-use resource of everyday wisdom to help families live happily and healthfully with these unique challenges.

开始吧,学会更好地爱人与被爱,学会耐心地和你的孩子相处,找到自己心仪的工作,学会理财,不要再抱怨自己的身体不好,养成健康的饮食习惯。Go ahead, be smarter in love, be more patient with your children, pursue what you really want to do for work, stick to a budget, stop berating your body and start eating healthfully.

有新的报道表示,为了让孩子们更易于吃的健康并获得更多的运动,全国所有城镇的当地政府需要营造出一个更为良好的环境使之得以实现。To make it easier for children to eat healthfully and move more, local governments in towns and cities across the country need to help create a better environment, a new report says.