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确定曲面的因素。Determine the camber factor.

中心线成直角的弧齿锥齿轮。Camber line becomes orthogonal arc tooth wimble gear.

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中心线不成直角的弧齿锥齿轮。Camber line wonts do orthogonal arc tooth wimble gear.

住所甲板外面应该有梁拱。Deck plating outside accommodation should have camber.

推倒对曲面的甲板梁。Foredeck plates pulled down against camber of deck beams.

圆锥有两个面,一个面是圆形,另一个面是曲面。It has two sides, one is a circle, the other is a camber.

调节前轮内倾角调节杆使得它更接近水平。Adjust camber link so that it is more level, in the front.

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前副车架被修改为额外拱形和蓖麻。The front subframe is modified for extra camber and castor.

带拱常见的俗语是“香蕉效应”或“香蕉带”。Common colloquialism for belt camber is "banana effect" or "banana belt".

随着轨道弯曲程度的增加,约简率有所增加。With the increase of the camber of railway, the reduction rate increases.

预拱度的设置可以提高结构的刚度。In addition, the set of girder camber could increase structure's rigidity.

经验法设置大跨径连续刚构桥预拱度存在诸多问题。At present, the experience method of installing the camber has many problems.

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在价格的比较时,钢材、抗剪螺栓和梁拱的价格可以设定。For the cost comparison, specify costs for steel, shear studs and beam camber.

而扑动翼翼型弯度的增加不利于推力特性的提高。It is disadvantageous to thrust characteristic through increase camber of airfoil.

上部结构的建筑高度为3英尺6英寸,有19英尺8英寸显著的上拱度。The superstructure has a depth of 3 ft. 6 in. with a marked camber of 19 ft. 8 in.

但是在实际应用中,图形的表面曲率是不一样的。But during the practical application, the surface camber of the figure is different.

在价格的比较时,钢材、抗剪螺栓和梁拱的价格可以设定。The shear stud and beam camber costs are specified in the composite beam preferences.

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你能够标示翅膀归结于包括中凸形和机翼的中心线护墙板。You can specify wing attributes including camber and centerline sheeting of an airfoil.

该系统不会和目前的其他车辆那样影响外、纵倾角的几何参数。This wheel travel does not affect the camber or caster geometries like current vehicles.

这一特征有助于解决中心弯曲以及减轻产品的弯度。This feature is useful in solving center flexure as well as mitigating camber of product.