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你孒解公司啲试用期情况吗?Do you understand probation?

试用表明效果甚佳。The probation effect is very good.

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他可能会接受缓期起诉,类似于以观后效的查看,也相当于悬在伊森头顶的一把利剑。Kind of a quiet probation. Sword over Ethan’s head.

法院听取了监督缓刑官员的汇报。The court heared a report from the probation officer.

您答应过我六个月试用期后给我加薪。You promised to give me a pay raise after six-month probation.

一经任用,试用期过后上五险一金。Once the employment, after five risks a probation period on gold.

他被留党察看,并须注射雌激素来治疗他的同性恋倾向。He was placed on probation and required to undergo hormone therapy.

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这一切对她来说,两三个星期的见习期就太过分了。This appeared to her too extreme a probation for two or three weeks.

最后他们决定禁止他工作数日同时停薪,并缓刑两年。They agreed to a few days off without pay and two years of probation.

同一用人单位与同一劳动者只能约定一次试用期。An employer can only stipulate one probation period with a same worker.

后来他与这个女孩的母亲结了婚,并于2002年结束了缓刑。He later married the girl’s mother and completed his probation in 2002.

试用期包含在劳动合同期限内。The probation period shall be contained in the term of labor contracts.

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当前世界正处在查案审判的宽容时期,每个人都要为自己的行动负责。All are accountable for their actions while in this world upon probation.

他已获缓刑,在此期间应受监督和管理。He is placed in the care of the probation service to monitor and supervise him.

这似乎违反了2007年涉嫌酒后驾车的案件中所判的缓刑。These are all seems violating probation from a case back in 2007 involving a DUI.

你毁了我的生活,因为你我从家里偷钱,因为你我被判刑。You've ruined my life, made me steal from my family, on probation 'cause of you.

不成否认,当法官让我协助执行汤姆的缓刑时,我很懊恼。I was admittedly upset when the judge asked me to help administer Tom's probation.

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做得不错阿,内丽。以这种速度,你很快就会在第二次婚姻前,结束试用期了。Not bad, Nelly. At this rate, You'll be off probation Before your second marriage.

三个月的试用期过后,将根据工作表现加薪。There is a raise after three months probation period according to your performance.

试用期间,公司将会评诂雇员的工作表现。During the probation period, company will evaluate the worker's working performance.