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大多数可能是这样。Most probably.

可能两者缺一不可。Probably both.

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它很可能是。It probably was.

你或许会的。You probably do.

可能有。There probably is.

这大概是荷尔蒙的缘故。Hormones, probably.

我说大概没有。I say probably not.

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哦,我很可能干得了。Well, probably I can.

嗨,我可能在家里,但我不想给我讨厌的人回电话。Hi. I am probably home.

也许是线路问题It's probably the wire.

但是可能太晚了。Butit's probably too late.

你的想象可能一片空白。You probably draw a blank.

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这可能是我最主要的弱点了。It's my main vice probably.

您大概可以猜出原因。You can probably guess why.

可能,连言语也从没一声。never say a word, probably.

可能很快就会天晴。Probably it will clear soon.

也许对你来说没有什么新鲜的内容。Probably nothing new to you.

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她可能只是好奇而已。She’s probably just curious.

嗯,你大慨是对的。Well, you're probably right.

他或许该憎恨这一切。He should probably resent it.