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这些画的底子目标是给人娱悦和教诲。Their basic aim is to delight and instruct.

教眼睛纯然一色,莫迷茫。Instruct thine eyes to keep their colours true.

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难道我没下过指令,让你们把第五号包厢给我留空吗?Did I not instruct that Box Five was to be kept empty?

在离港前指导船员职务安全。Instruct crew on occupational safety before departure.

对父母的教诲,我要恭敬地倾听。When my parents instruct me, I will listen respectfully.

韩福教授下令学生遵守实验规则。Humphrey instruct his student to obey the experimental rules.

在选择、维保和使用测量设备时指导用户。Instruct users on the ion, care and use of measuring devices.

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父母需应指点儿童充沛品味每粒小熊软糖,不要间接吞咽。Instruct child to chew each gummy fish carefully and thoroughly.

我们将通知银行用电修改信用证。We will instruct our banker to amend the credit telegraphically.

我们将通知银行用电报修改信用证。We will instruct our banker to amend the credit telegraphically.

展出期间欢迎各界同好莅临指教。All circles are welcomed to instruct the works of the exhibition.

我按了一下电铃。“马上会来人,我要命令他把您弄出去!”Someone will come instantly, I'll instruct him to escort you out!

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谁曾知道主的心去教导他呢。For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him?

饮食起居生活规律化是对糖尿病患者教育指导的重点。It is essential to instruct patients with NIDDM in good lifestyles.

韩福教授下令学生遵守实验规则。Prof. Humphrey instruct his student to obey the experimental rules.

教育学生爱护书刊,及时修补破损的书籍、杂志。Instruct the pupils to take good care of the books , as well as to fix.

我们要用这种认识来指导接下来的办博工作We should instruct the following tasks based on the above understanding

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父母教导我们时,必须恭敬地听从。When your parents need to instruct you, respectfully do as you're told.

市教育局领导来我校检查工作。The leaders of the Education Bureau of Weifang come here to instruct us.

我们将指导我们的财务部填开付款凭证的样式。We will instruct our finance department to issue payment in the fashion.