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有趣的是,这个开关在杏仁体内也相当活跃。Intriguingly, the switch was also active in the amygdala.

还有其他的治疗法则想办法作用在杏仁体本身。Other therapies are being designed to act in the amygdala itself.

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杏仁体是大脑的一个著名区域,负责调节情感。The amygdala is a brain region best known for regulating emotion.

这种寄生虫会感染整个大脑,特别是扁桃核。The parasite infects the whole brain, but especially the amygdala.

VNS尤其对杏仁核放电有明显的抑制作用。VNS can also inhibit the discharge of amygdala nucleus significantly.

当观众没有了解电影内容时,扁桃体就是他们大脑的情感中心组织。For those that don’t know, the amygdala is the emotional center of the brain.

这些感觉在大脑的杏仁体内被单独保存起来。These feelings are stored separately, in the brain region called the amygdala.

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他们决定尝试在激活DLSC的同时抑制杏仁核。They decided to try simultaneously activating DLSC while inhibiting the amygdala.

杏仁核的反应是如此之快以至于它们几乎是无意识的。The reactions of the amygdala are so quick that they are for all intents automatic.

颞叶每端各包含一个杏仁体和名叫海马回的海马状组织。Each lobe includes an amygdala and a seahorse -shaped structure called the hippocampus.

新研究表明人类与生俱来的对失去金钱的恐惧感与“杏仁核”有着密切的关系。The new study indicates that the amygdala is closely tied to an inbuilt fear of losing money.

这种听觉皮层和杏仁体之间的互动发生得如此之快,以至于顷刻之间就消失了。This interaction between the auditory cortex and amygdala happens so fast as to seem instant.

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这是第一次对扁桃腺受伤的人进行研究,并发现这一损伤会导致恐惧感缺失。It's the first human study to show that amygdala damage can wipe out fearful feeling, they say.

目的探讨星形胶质细胞在实验性癫痫中的作用及意义。Objective To study the role and meaning of astrocyte in epilepsykindled by electrical amygdala.

杏仁核毁损术不仅对治疗冲动、攻击等狂暴行为有效,还能控制癫痫发作。Lesioning in amygdala is not only effective for violence behavior, but also for seizure control.

影像表现为在杏仁核或小脑半球局限性的T1高信号,不伴有占位效应。Imaging features are foci of T1 hyperintensity in the amygdala or cerebellum without mass effect.

这杏仁可好啦,吃了以后啊,能长得高高的,身体棒棒的,每次考试都能得一百分!It's good to eat, the amygdala later, can grow tall, body stick, every exam can have one hundred!

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成功制备了大鼠PTZ化学性点燃和杏仁核电刺激性点燃两种慢性癫痫模型。PTZ chemical kindling and amygdala electrical kindling models in rats were established successfully.

当一个人想到熊时,他大脑的杏仁核,一个负责反馈战斗或者逃跑信息的区域,同样也会被激活。A person thinking of a bear also shows activity in the amygdala –home of the fight-or-flight response.

鼻内给予苯巴比妥的抗惊厥效能通过杏仁核点燃模型来测定。The anticonvulsant efficacy of intranasal phenobarbital was determined in the amygdala kindling model.