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你又在散播谣言吗?Are you spreading rumours again?

如何预防疱疹病毒的传播How To Avoid Spreading the Virus

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茎平展的白色绢毛。Stems spreading white sericeous.

把自己“切分得太薄了”You're Spreading Yourself Too Thin

人们奔走相告。People go around spreading the news.

他要把异端邪说到处传播。He is spreading this heresy everywhere.

你传播的不仅仅是特定一种传染病You're not only spreading the infection.

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浮在海面上的油污正往外扩散。The oil slicks are the ocean is spreading.

花儿,百花齐放,香飘四野。Flowers, blossom Fragrance Spreading Shino.

花儿,百花齐放,喷鼻飘四野。Flowers, blossom Fragrance Spreading Shino.

我们必须防止这个乱子扩大。We must prevent the trouble from spreading.

我们可以把黄油涂的非常厚。And Yes, we're spreading it on pretty thick.

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小圆点将成倍增加,逐渐蔓延。The dots would be multiplying and spreading.

人们也因不断扩张的沙漠而被剥迁徙。Spreading deserts are also displacing people.

这种非本土的伪粘虫现在快速蔓延。Nonnative Armyworms are now spreading rapidly.

这种疾病正在迅速地向世界各地蔓延。The disease is quickly spreading in the world.

二是对孔子仁学思想传承的研究存在一个盲区。Secondly, there is a scotoma on spreading them.

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像撕薄了的棉絮,铺在倒悬著的碧海上。Like cotton fiber spreading on bluish green sea.

美丽的云霞,正在慢慢扩散。The beautiful rosy clouds were spreading slowly.

与此同时,价格的上涨正沿著价格链而扩散。Meanwhile, the chain of price-rises is spreading.