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他一定稳赢总统宝座。He is a shoo-in for the presidency.

马丁斯是总统一职的必然当选人。Martins is a shoo-in for the presidency.

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总统的职位是一个多面手做的。The presidency is a job for a generalist.

这是他任职期间的第一目标。This was the first aim of his presidency.

眼下是奥巴马总统任期的第130天。It is the 130th day of the Obama presidency.

他们知道他为此赌上了总统职位。They knew he had staked his Presidency on this.

我想改变的是总统这一职务的本质。I want to change the character of the presidency.

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获颁奖章并当选国军英雄。My presidency Won awards chapter and elected nations hero.

徐秋华聂教授担任主席的大学。Professor Nie Qiuhua holds the presidency of the university.

尽管如此,乌丁还是预测,世人将能看到奥巴马伟大的总统生涯。Despite this, Udin foretold greatness for Obama's presidency.

您知道杰克森的成长背景对他的总统之路有什麽影响吗?Do you know how Jackson's background affected his presidency?

他的当选为总统使他的政治生涯达到最高峰。His election to the presidency climaxed his political career.

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他的当选为总统使他的政治生涯达到最高峰。Hiss election to the presidency climaxed his political career.

如果民族党持续内耗的话,他们将会输掉这次总统竞选。If the Democrats remain divided they will lose the presidency.

但他的总统职务将作为一个彻底被遗忘的结局。But his presidency would provide an utterly forgettable ending.

首先拉斐尔科雷亚,左派经济学家,赢得总统宝座。First Rafael Correa, the leftist economist, won the presidency.

只有本国出生的公民才有资格担任美国总统的职务。Only native-born citizens are eligible for the U.S. Presidency.

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如果我们的计划不能在国会通过,将危及我的总统职位。If our plan failed in Congress, it could endanger my presidency.

他暗示他将于2012年再次出任俄罗斯总统的职位。And he has hinted that he could return to the presidency in 2012.

欧牛耳委由各会员国轮流担任。The European Union's presidency rotates between member countries.